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Level 10

Google Introduces Exciting New Layout Updates for Android Google Maps


Google has recently rolled out an update to the Android Gmap app that brings significant enhancements to the photo section and a streamlined approach to contributions. This update brings a wealth of valuable details to individual photos, making it easier for users to gain insights and information about a specific photo/video. Furthermore, the contribute tabs has been restructured, as it now consolidates various types of contributions under a single umbrella, simplifying the user experience. With these improvements, the Gmap app not only enhances the way users interact with photos but also encourages more diverse contributions from the community, ultimately enriching the app's overall utility and usability. It's a noteworthy step forward for Android users who rely on Google Maps for their navigation and location-related needs.


Updates for Photo/Video Contributions


When a Mapper view his own contributionWhen a Mapper view his own contribution

Now there are 4 icons to the bottom right. ( When viewing your own contributions)


1. Number of Likes indicator

2. Share POI (Keep in mind specific photo won't be shared but the POI)

3. Save to favorites

4. Edit ( the caption of the photo) This icon won't visible if you are viewing someone else Photo/Video at Gmaps


While on Bottom Left you also have 4 things ( When viewing your own contributions)


1. Mappers name and Time since specific contribution made( Only detail visible when you view others contributions at a POI)

2. Caption for the  POI (Editable) and additionally a Star if its a Star Photo/Video for you

3. Number of Views

4. Name of POI 


On the Top you have 2 Icons, to the right is Delete option for specific photo/Video while to the left is Close icon to close the window



When you view someone else's contributionsWhen you view someone else's contributions

When you are viewing someone else's contribution you might notice few icons are missing. On the top right is Delete icon getting replaced with Flagging icon.



Updates for the Contribution Section


Updates for Contribution sectionUpdates for Contribution section


Under contribute section now you have 2 dedicated tabs


1. Update the map

     Here you get 4 options to update the maps


  a) Add a place

  b) Update a place 

  c) Update road

  d) Update address


Update the mapUpdate the map




2. Create a Post

In post section like we already know we update maps by posting Photos/Videos and Reviews so we have these two in here.


  a) Add review

  b) Add photo/video

Create a postCreate a post


If one can recall you may notice there is slight change in the Profile part too, now you have few more details like number of Followers one has.


It will be interesting to see what changes we have for iOS. Did they get it already or yet to get it ?

I found these updates more relevant and maps looks more organized now.

What do you say about these updates. Please have a say in comments



Happy Mapping

Level 10

Re: Google Introduces Exciting New Layout Updates for Android Google Maps

Thank you dear friend @Trail_blazer  for sharing the latest update. PFA below

screenshot of ios as you like to know 




Caption: iOS Mobile Screenshots of 1.Contribution, 2.Edit the map and 3.Write review 

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Level 10

Re: Google Introduces Exciting New Layout Updates for Android Google Maps

@PrasadVR  Thanks for confirming. I hope you are using latest iOS maps ? If that's the case I don't see make over of these settings as I see in Android 👍🏻

Level 10

Re: Google Introduces Exciting New Layout Updates for Android Google Maps

Yes, dear friend @Trail_blazer, I am using latest iOS, Your post is surely useful for many friends who are using android. 

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Level 10

Re: Google Introduces Exciting New Layout Updates for Android Google Maps