Gurukrishnapriya's post
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Level 8

How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

Hi friends, 

It has been a long time since I wrote my last post in Connect.   Last year mid July I got the information from my doctor that my husband (Level-8 LG) has stomach cancer 4th stage and no hopes of recovery.



Photo of Local Guide Sreenath during physical cum virtual meet-up. 


I was simply shocked and couldn't get out of it. I couldn't agree. I was perplexed. Reports said so. He didn't have any symptoms until it was stage 4. It was a terminal illness which is a great shock to me. Family and friends stood by my side. I couldn't believe.  Why God has done this to me. Why he is so cruel to me.  I broke down. 


Since last July it was a terrific time.  My husband escaped covid, but he got caught into the clutches of cancer.  We put all efforts to save him. Surgery was undergone. We tried alternative medicines. Miraculously he started recovering and his was fine till February this year.  From March his disease progressed again, he became weak and was in hospital. On 6th of May he was no more with me. 40 years of togetherness vanished just like that in no time. I was unable to bear his  loss. I couldn't digest. We shared many things. We rose a good family. He motivated me in everything, even for conducting Meet-ups. He gave full support and help to me in all my  endeavors He was a caring and good person.  


Local Guides' Support 


My family and friends stood in full support and consoled. Many of my friends, including Local Guides friends also stood up with me in my times of trouble.  Our Local Guide @Selvamani_R who is a good friend of ours visited us many times and gave us so much of  moral support.  @TravellerG called up and spoke  to me many times, enquired and prayed for our well being. He is good friend to my husband. I and my husband met him last February. @JohnPeter stood by me and told he can arrange for blood at the time of surgery.  


@Shrut19  called me first and comforted me @RosyKohli  Ma'am told me to be brave.  @FalguniP  @Tejal  @Anil 

@Jose_Benjamin who are my well wishers called me personally and  gave me courage and moral support. 


@Ewaade_3A called me personally and virtually lend her shoulder and consoled me.  @indahnuria , @Erna, @AarthiSinde and  many other Local Guide friends expressed their concern, being very good friends.  Because of all these friends I am coming to near normalcy. I  am trying to come out of grief


I take this opportunity to thank all who were by my side and made me stand strong and look at the world in a different perspective. My family, sister and daughters didn't leave me alone. 


Now I am staying in my  daughter's place in Sweden for a couple of months. It's a matter of great relief to me. Myself along with my daughter met @MortenCopenhagen. He is so friendly and helpful.  He and his daughter gave a  warm welcome and great hospitality. He motivated to write more posts. Thanks to him a lot. I am happy and feel great to be associated with this Local Guides Community. I am really secured here.


After a long time I am writing this post, since I was so depressed and took time getting out of it. 


I still feel he is with me.


Passionate about
#Temple Art & Architecture
#Nature lover
#Save the Trees
#Typewriter Artist

. Happy Guiding.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Level 8

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

LG friends I remember who consoled me when I am totally depressed were







and many other friends whom I am really very thankful. 

Passionate about
#Temple Art & Architecture
#Nature lover
#Save the Trees
#Typewriter Artist

. Happy Guiding.

Level 10

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

My Dear friend @Gurukrishnapriya 

You are loved.


Its good thing you get pass this through.  Love you from Indonesia and congratulations for your first post after the storm. 

Level 9

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

Connect Moderator

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

@Gurukrishnapriya I am so glad to hear that our community was able to embrace you in your time of need. I too have experienced the unbelievable and overwhelming support that comes from Google Local Guides. I am so sorry about the loss of your husband. My heart breaks for you.

Level 8

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

@Gurukrishnapriya  sorry for your loss , but I'm sure your husband will be happy to see that you have so many friends who motivates you and help you in your difficult times that's the true friendship. You and your husband is the part of our connect family never be feel alone . Hare Krishna 🙏.

Connect Moderator

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

@Gurukrishnapriya jee, I am so sorry for what you and your family have gone through and the great loss you have suffered. May God give patience to your family for this loss And give the deceased a better place. Aameen

Please type @ before username to mention/tag me so I can reply to you quicker. About me |Guiding Star 2021 | Follow me on Maps |  | Instagram |   

Gems Of the World - A Connect Travel Post Challenge

Level 9

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress


It is well @Gurukrishnapriya 

Level 9

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

I am so sorry for your loss @Gurukrishnapriya. I know that this is tough times for you but you are strong and a brave woman. I am happy the mentioned LG's were there for you in your rough times. This too shall pass @Gurukrishnapriya. Be strong.

Anitha Muthu
Connect Moderator

Re: How Local Guides stood by me when in distress

Love and hugs for you maa @Gurukrishnapriya 

You are a strong woman and I am always amazed by your curiosity to learn new things and keep our community cheerful with your creativity.

We are with you ❤️