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Level 10

Indian Map view on Narmada River

Hello Friends. Today I want to share about a place which is not so much famous but people visit there to saw some extraordinary thing. Yes I am talking about Khalghat.

Khalghat is a small town located on the Northern bank of River Maa Narmada. Mumbai Agra National Highway No. 52 passes through Khalghat.

In Khalghat between Narmada River during the month of February to May when the water level of river gets lower the Map of India gets formed between the river. 

It looks so nice from seeing it from the National Highway bridge. People from very far places visit here to see this miracle.

Indian Map formation between Narmada River in Khalghat. Pic clicked on Mumbai Agra National Highway No 52 bridge.Indian Map formation between Narmada River in Khalghat. Pic clicked on Mumbai Agra National Highway No 52 bridge.

You can see this miracle every year but only in the summer season because after monsoon the water level of the river gets high.

Satellite image of Indian Map formation on Narmada River.Satellite image of Indian Map formation on Narmada River.

You can check this place via link👇 

I wish you all may like my post. 

Happy Mapping

Narmade Har🙏🚩

Love from India 🇮🇳💞


Jai Shree Ram - Happy Guiding

Khalghat, Madhya Pradesh, India
Level 8

Re: Indian Map view on Narmada River

It must be said that this is a wonderful thing. It is great that such rivers/lakes in India are like the map of India.


I will share one such pond with you. 


Alisagar Lake, which looks like the map of India, is located in Nizamabad district of Telangana state.



This photo looks a bit like a map of India.




This is a slightly zoomed photo which clearly shows the map of India. (Once you don't understand Imagine a map of India.)


We are till now just talked about our India map. But we have one more satelite imagery. (Maybe that was already known to everyone.)


Between our countries of India and Sri Lanka, one can see the stones of the old bridge built by Sri Ram for Sita. It has a rich history. The name of that bridge is Ram Setu. And the Britishers called it as Adam's Bridge.


What I am saying is that Hanuman's face can be seen from the satellite next to this Ram Setu.



Screenshot of Hanuman's face from the satellite image.


@LovePathak28 Thanks for making this post


Really it's was a proud thing to me. ♥️🇮🇳

| Find my Maps contributions here.
Level 10

Re: Indian Map view on Narmada River

@Rakshi2 The information given by you is really amazing. It would be better if you have posted this as a separate post. 



Jai Shree Ram - Happy Guiding

Connect Moderator

Re: Indian Map view on Narmada River

Thank you for sharing your experience with Khalghat!

It sounds like a unique and exciting place to visit. @LovePathak28 

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Level 10

Re: Indian Map view on Narmada River



हम जब गुजरात लोकल गाईडस् के साथ स्टॅचू ॲाफ युनिटी देखने गये थे तभी नर्मदा नदी के दर्शन और परिक्रमा के बारेमे बाते कि थी..

खैर ये पोस्ट और मॅप व्यू हम सभी से शेअर करने के लिए धन्यवाद।

Level 10

Re: Indian Map view on Narmada River

धन्यवाद @Shrut19 । जी हां मां नर्मदा की परिक्रमा की जाती है और मध्य प्रदेश, गुजरात और महाराष्ट्र के बहुत लोग इस नदी को पूजते हैं। माना जाता है कि मां नर्मदा देश की सबसे पुरानी नदी है। गंगा जी से भी पुरानी नदी है। मां नर्मदा की परिक्रमा यात्रा के दौरान बहुत सारे दर्शनीय स्थल व जंगल आते हैं। आपने मेरी जयंती माता मंदिर वाली पोस्ट देखी होगी

Tour Diaries - Jayanti Mata Temple  

यह जगह भी मां नर्मदा की परिक्रमा पथ में ही पड़ती है।

अगर आपने यह पोस्ट नहीं देखी हो तो मैं आग्रह करूंगा कि आप एक बार जरूर देखें।

राधे राधे 🙏🚩

हर हर नर्मदे💞🌸


Jai Shree Ram - Happy Guiding