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The New Ramen Dining Experience

I have tried the instant (made at home) version of this famous Ichiran Ramen since two years ago. There are some groceries in Jakarta that sells this instant ramen. Noodles, soup concentrate, and spicy red seasoning are available in the instant version. We just need to add the toppings as we like, such as chasiu pork, chicken, green onions, seaweed, corn, boiled eggs, and many more.

When I came to Tokyo with the tight schedule last October, I did not try Ichiran Ramen Restaurant there. Finally, I could try it more far in Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square🗽
So happy for that! 😊


Caption : The store front of Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square that shows the large logo. (Local Guide @Velvel)Caption : The store front of Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square that shows the large logo. (Local Guide @Velvel)


Caption : The instant version of Ichiran Ramen from Local Guide @HiroyukiTakisawa. (Local Guide @Velvel)Caption : The instant version of Ichiran Ramen from Local Guide @HiroyukiTakisawa. (Local Guide @Velvel)



Btw, thanks again to @HiroyukiTakisawa san for the ramen as I showed in the picture above 🙏

Just like what Ichiran said in the the front store, it is WORTH THE WAIT! Just like us, who had been in the waiting list for around 15 minutes, finally we got seated with the typical Japanese solo seating booths. This was my first time having this kind of solo dining seat experience. Each table has partition booth that we could also open. In Ichiran's website, it is said this kind of solo seating booth will keep our privacy, and enjoy the ramen fully without any distraction. They also provide hanger for us to hang our outer or bag, especially during the cold or winter day.


Caption : A photo of the store front of Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)Caption : A photo of the store front of Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)


Caption : A photo of the solo seating booths in Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)Caption : A photo of the solo seating booths in Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)


We tried their Classic Tonkotsu Ramen with additional toppings as recommended by Ichiran 😁
A bowl of thick and straight noodles with tender pork, boiled egg, seaweed, green onions in a classic Tonkotsu soup that is made with pork bone and rich in collagen along with the spicy red sauce (it tastes moderate spicy). Delicious soup that is rich in collagen with so many benefits, including to help maintain our skin and youthful look. How perfect! 😉

The ramen came up in a huge portion, especially with additional toppings. But it will make us satisfied and full to the max!
I could say the the ramen in the restaurant is more savory and delicious than the instant one.


Caption : A photo of Classic Tonkotsu Ramen with additional toppings in Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)Caption : A photo of Classic Tonkotsu Ramen with additional toppings in Ichiran Ramen NY Times Square. (Local Guide @Velvel)


To see more what's inside Ichiran Ramen, please watch this video :


Well done, Ichiran! It's totally recommended!!! ❤️

Local Guides, do you like ramen? What is your favorite ramen in your city?
Please share and give the recommendation in the comment below 🙂

New York, NY, USA
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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

Hi,  @Velvel 🍜

I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed it!
I love classic ramen like the one from Sanoya. I hope you'll have a chance to try it someday.


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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

Hey @Velvel 

I didn't know about Ramen till I visited Indonesia last year and when my daughter asked me to bring not anyother thing but Ramen from Indonesia, these Ramen were probably Korean or japanese I think.

But here when she made it, she let me taste, and it was 🔥 extreme spicy 😂 but it was good taste. 

Thanks for sharing your experience of Ramen, I will share this post with my daughter with your name 🤩

Please type @ before username to mention/tag me so I can reply to you quicker. About me |Guiding Star 2021 | Follow me on Maps |  | Instagram |   

Gems Of the World - A Connect Travel Post Challenge

Level 8

Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

Hi @Velvel , Tonkotsu ramen is delicious, isn't it😋


What I recommend to you is Shio Ramen.


Shio Ramen Machida Shiruba Shinka  




This ramen has a very light, salty broth of niboshi dashi stock, with slightly thin noodles and chicken chashu pork.

It may be a little lacking for those who like tonkotsu  ramen, but you will never get tired of eating this ramen until the very end.

Don't be surprised to hear heavy metal music playing loudly in the black-colored restaurant.🎸



The entrance to the ramen store is not through the silver door, but through the double sliding glass doors that can be seen behind it. 

Level 10

Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

@Izumi On my list.  Thank you for sharing. 

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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

This Kokudare Shoyu Ramen looks so classic @HiroyukiTakisawa san.

Classic will always be the best. I haven't tried the classic one yet, mostly with the thick broth.

It's in Iwate, your place, isn't it? 😊


I've added this one in my list. I'd be very pleased to come again to Japan someday 😍

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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

Hello @KashifMisidia Bhai

Which daughter? The eldest or youngest one? Hehehe...

Did you bring her Samyang? If so, it's a Korean ramyun.

I love to explore instant noodles, too!


In Jakarta, we have many supermarkets and stores that sell variant of instant noodles, just like this one with instant noodle wall concept. One of the girls' favorite! I'm sure your daughter will love it, too!

Next time when you bring your daughters to Indonesia, let's do instant noodle shopping together! 😊🎉

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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

Tonkotsu ramen is so delicious @Izumi 

What you said is right, but I will be pleased to try this chicken version, too. My mom is not a fan of pork, so this one will suit her best 😄

Thanks for the recommendation. It's already added to my list.


Wow.. the entrance is not like the common ramen stall, isn't it?

I think it's more into a garage or stores LOL 😅

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Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience

You're welcome @TonyAlexander 

You have to try this one! 🍜😋

Level 9

Re: The New Ramen Dining Experience



I am posting this from Hakata, Fukuoka City, the home of tonkotsu ramen.
I recommend Aka-noren, one of the origins of Hakata ramen.
It is also the taste I have been accustomed to eating since I was a child.
The ramen is greasy but more refreshing than I expected.
The noodles are thin and flat, not the thin noodles that are characteristic of Hakata ramen, and the soup is smooth and brown.
Currently, the third generation of the family runs a store in the center of Fukuoka City.


Hakata Menbou Aka-noren



There are many more, but this is just one, so when you get a chance, let me introduce you to some of Fukuoka's best ramen.
This restaurant is also located in Tokyo.
About Ichiran
It was a popular members-only ramen restaurant in Nanokawa, Fukuoka.
Somewhere along the line, it changed its business format and became crowded with tourists.
A large building has been erected in Nakasu.
Ichiran flagship store