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Level 10

Travenanzes valley

Travenanzes valley from Forcella VavenanzesTravenanzes valley from Forcella Vavenanzes


Travenanzes valley it is an uncontaminated valley in the Dolomiti d'Ampezzo Regional Park. You will walk around Tofane mountains. The valley is crossed by a simple path whose difficulty is its length and the fact that it begins in a place far from where it ends.
If you want to make it in a day, my suggestion is to take advantage of buses. 
From Cortina d'Ampezzo you take the bus to Falzarego Pass and get off at "Magistrato delle acque" bus stop (the one before "Col Gallina"). From here a simple path, in major part over an easy military road, it will take you up to forcella Travenanzes (quote 2.507 m). From here all the path is downhill, easy but long.
Along the route there is no refuge, only a private but with only a roof if it rains or the sun is very hot. So, be careful to pick food and water with you!
Along the way, besides Dolomites, you will be able to see many natural wonders, starting with plants and flowers and, if you are lucky, wild animals.
When you arrive in "Pian de Loa" you may choose if to take the bus at "Podestagno" bus stop (follow to Sant'Uberto parking and than on the road, uphill), or to go to visitor center and than follow two more km to Hotel Fiames.
Itinerary summary
Magistrato delle Acque
Forcella Col dei Bos (quote 2.507 meters)
Val Travenanzes (path 401)
Pian De Loa (quote 1.360 meters)
Technical data
altitude difference uphill: 340 meters
downhill altitude difference: 1.100 meters
total time of walk: about 6 hours (without breaks)


Military road from "Magistrato delle acque" bus stop to Forcella Col dei BosMilitary road from "Magistrato delle acque" bus stop to Forcella Col dei Bos


Panorama towards the "Cinque torri" and Averau mountainsPanorama towards the "Cinque torri" and Averau mountains


Travenanzes river with flowers all aroundTravenanzes river with flowers all around

 Flower in Travenanzes valley and and ancient tree trunkFlower in Travenanzes valley and and ancient tree trunk


Inner part of Travenanzes valley and the "malga Travenanzes" in the backgroundInner part of Travenanzes valley and the "malga Travenanzes" in the background


Waterfall from Tofana di Mezzo into the Travenazes valleyWaterfall from Tofana di Mezzo into the Travenazes valley


Malga TravenanzesMalga Travenanzes


Inner part of Travenanzes valley with white stones and sand (very hot in summer)Inner part of Travenanzes valley with white stones and sand (very hot in summer)


Travenanzes river with cold green waterTravenanzes river with cold green water


Lower part of Travenanzes valleyLower part of Travenanzes valley


Cortina d'Ampezzo, BL, Italia
Level 9

Betreff: Travenanzes valley


Fantastische Bilder und Aussichten von dieser schönen Bergwelt 

Level 8

Re: Travenanzes valley

Wow lovely photographs with excellent description @FlavioDA 👍

Level 10

Betreff: Travenanzes valley

Level 10

Re: Travenanzes valley

Level 8

Rif.: Travenanzes valley

Meraviglioso @FlavioDA e le foto sono spettacolari. Ma sai che leggendo mi rendo conto adesso che non ho mai preso un bus in montagna? Comunque dalla tua dettagliata descrizione penso che per questo percorso sia utile essere allenati e avere un passo veloce e un'ottima forma fisica... 6 ore di cammino senza soste. Complimenti per averlo fatto!

Ciao Flavio alla prossima 🤗

Level 10

Rif.: Travenanzes valley

Ciao @PattyBlack , SI, il percorso richiede un po' di allenamento, non tanto per la fatica o difficoltà ma per la lunghezza. Però ne vale la pena. Erano già alcuni anni che lo avevo in lista e l'estate scorsa sono riuscito a farlo.

