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Level 7

What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where the main edit feature isn't available

I do rely on Google Maps very often.

Probably even more as a constant traveler, as places where I live are frequently very new to me.


And if you do so, like me, if you use the Maps app that much, you know we need reliable information.

When I arrived in Cayenne in French Guiana, I noticed that one of the central main streets had a different name on Google Maps.

Actually it was the old one, as the street had been renamed officially.


And that’s what contribution is all about. I had to do something.


Usually we use the Suggest an edit feature from the app.


Unfortunately in French Guiana that feature was not available that time (I haven't checked recently).

Therefore I had to find another way, and tried the Feedbacks feature.


After a few attempts, I ended up opening a ticket on a global Google Maps Help forum to explain what I was trying to do: Google Maps Help forum thread


Here is a summary of what we did:


  1. First you need to explain the issue precisely, it might not be as simple as it seems.
  2. When you receive confirmation that this issue deserves to be handled, then communicate all information required


    - Accurate GPS Coordinates where it takes place 

    - In my case pictures to provide evidences the streets had been renamed locally but not on Google Maps

    All SpotsAll Spots





  3. Maybe you will have to check twice some details if needed. We all understand it takes rigor
  4. You will get then validation from your Google Maps Help forum interlocutor (Gold Product Expert in my case) that you have provided all needed information
  5. The modifications are applied to the Map

     -> The big moment

And If I wanted to rename one street at the beginning, we finally renamed 3 streets in Cayenne city center!





It took quite some time to get it done and it's true I insisted a little to be recognized as the local guide responsible for these edits, despite I couldn't have done it through the normal Suggest an edit feature.

I was proud of my work, my contribution, and thought it would be fair I had recognition for that.

But anyway, I participated actively to those edit and I helped correcting wrong information on the map.


I believe this is useful for people everyday.

I hope this short how-to might help some of you.


Please take a look on that other article I wrote on that topic, The time I re-baptized a street (on Google Maps)

I tale that epic story from another angle.


By the way, thanks a lot to all people whom took some time to help!



Cayenne, Guyane française
Connect Moderator

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where main feature isn't available.

Hi @RenanSavidan


Thanks for asking. 


Some places are not editable for local guides.

If you are confused about areas and items on the maps not accepting edits and photos, please enjoy this overview Shapes and Places - Guidance on where to add edits and photos including both flat and photospheres by PaulPavlinovich.


There are basically 2 ways to influence street names. 


1: Use these Steps to send feedback.
You need to attach relevant official documentation. 


2: Google Maps has a program enabling local and regional partners to upload their data directly and automatically. Please learn more Google Maps Content Providers
Examples include municipalities and public transport providers.


You can encourage your Municipality to fix the names via their partnership with Google. 


Level 7

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where main feature isn't available.

Hi @MortenCopenhagen,


My mistake the post is not written yet but I got trapped by not being able to save a draft. It is being done.


By the way if you remember well we already interacted ; and that new post is my attempt to help everyone struggling like I did in Cayenne.

Thanks for understanding.

Connect Moderator

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where main feature isn't available.

Ohh, sorry, @RenanSavidan


I'm looking forward to reading your completed tutorial/tips.


All the best



Connect Moderator

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where the main edit feature isn't avail

And then the next problem showed up @RenanSavidan : the overactive spam filter on Connect labeled your post as spam (most likely because you edited it shortly after publication - a known trigger). 


I have now released it from there. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Check out LetsGuide Podcast | #LGCTM | Please always @Mention me so I see your reply
Connect Moderator

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where the main edit feature isn't avail



I see you have finishes your piece on how to successfully get help from the Maps support forum.


Congrats. I think this is super relevant to share since this is a lot of work and time. So knowing it is possible to change things via the Maps support forum is good and important to know about. 





Level 7

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where the main edit feature isn't avail

@JanVanHaver   Alright, thanks

Level 7

Re: What it takes to rename streets on Google Maps in places where the main edit feature isn't avail

Level 5

Local Street name


I tried to add road names on google map but it says. Your feedback is important to us. We cannot fix the issue in this region yet. However, we are working hard to make this available in more regions soon. I wish we could add the street names so it would be more helpful to map users. 


Level 10
Level 10

Re: Local Street name

I understand this to be a continuation of your post yesterday @Kinley808 

Incidentally, adding roads is not yet available in some regions.

I find you are from Bhutan.

Incidentally, I did not come across any post which mentioned such restrictions in your region.

Nevertheless, you can use the following alternative options.

1. Send feedback -> Your opinion about Maps. Then include a screenshot of the road which you want to name.

2. Mention the requirement in the community tab of Maps support forum.

3. Alternatively, request the local authorities to inform the Google Maps team to have the roads added to the map. You can read more about that at this link.

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