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Level 8

Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-29 at 14.22.30.jpeg


Iconic and charming, the Gastown Steam Clock in Vancouver stands as a symbol of the city's rich history.

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Level 8

Re: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

@Kishan_lg que genial fotografía,aún sigue funcionando? 

Primero darte la bienvenida a Connect.

Recuerda que puedes participar del Introduce Yourself April 2024 donde puedes conocer a otros local guide.

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Nuevamente bienvenido y a disfrutar.

Level 9

Betreff: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda


Diese wunderbare Uhr haben wir auch schon durch einen anderen Beitrag bewundert.

Ihre Darstellung ist aber etwas anders und bietet eine schöne Sicht aus anderer Perspektive 



Connect Moderator

Betreff: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

Right, I had the same thoughts as @Annaelisa 

A lot of information was exchanged previously about this wonderful steam clock, but this photo is of a far better quality.

@Kishan_lg 👍

Level 8

Betreff: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

Thank you so much Appreciate it.  @Tushar_Suradkar 

Level 8

Betreff: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

Okay thanks a lot @Annaelisa I appreciate it  

Level 10

Re: Timeless Charm: Gastown Steam Clock at Vancouver BC, Canda

@Kishan_lg First time I see this. Thanks 

Md. Jakir Hossan