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Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

As Local Guides, we have this amazing platform to share our thoughts and concerns regarding so many noble causes to choose from ! One of them is ‘Protecting our environment and making sure our planet stays clean and green’ ! As you know, I recently started the  #GoGreenWithMaps series (which focuses on helping local businesses that help the environment , map Sustainability features, learn, share tips & do fun Map edits to save our planet and keep it green and clean !l) and this post is part of the series.


Caption : #LocalGuide ways to keep our planet clean & green (Image credit : , royalty free image)Caption : #LocalGuide ways to keep our planet clean & green (Image credit : , royalty free image)


Here are a few fun ideas and tips that we can implement in our day to day life to protect our environment : 


  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle - Cut down on what you throw away , reuse as much as possible , upscale old items into something new and useful as this will help conserve natural resources and landfill space. Many waste products like glass, plastics, aluminium and paper can be recycled instead of being disposed of in the dustbin. This will prevent any air pollution accumulated on burning these products. You can also use reusable towels and reusable bags rather than using disposable plastics or bags. As Local Guides, along with implementing the above tips ,we can also use Maps to search for ‘Recycling centres near us’ and dispose of waste there to avoid landfill. You can even create shareable lists. For example , here are few of my lists : Let's reuse & recycle in London , Electronic waste recycling centres in Mumbai , Sustainable Thane
  2. Choose a sustainable option - For every product you buy , make sure to use the most sustainable option out of the available options. This way we can reduce the quantity of waste produced.For example, instead of buying a plastic bag , bring your own cotton or jute or any cloth bag which is reusable as well as will last longer and help reduce plastic pollution. Mark such places on Maps that promote and sell sustainable products.
  3. Save water and water bodies - Conserve water and water resources. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean. Get a steel bottle and Use Maps to know nearest drinking water fountains and make shareable lists like Ermes and Alexandre so that it helps us beat plastic bottles pollution! 
  4. Volunteer in community - Volunteer for cleanups  in communities near you in beach cleaning  , protecting your watershed, community organic farming activities, etc. You can also join Clean the World project  by @ErmesT  and share your contributions on Maps and Connect to inspire others !
  5. Plant a tree - You can plant a tree by saving seeds from the fruits or veggies you eat or even buy from nearby plant nurseries to help keep the earth green. Make sure to involve the next generation as well to help them gain importance of planting trees and preserving greenery around us ! As Local Guides, you can use Maps to find a nursery near you and also create shareable lists like Plants n pots in Thane
  6. Shop and support local businesses  - Eat and shop local is the mantra ! Do map edits and support local businesses that keep local produce as they make more locally grown or produced purchases which in turn helps to reduce environmental impacts by reducing transportation costs and emissions. Here are some ways to support a local business using Maps !
  7. Walk more , bike more , drive less - Walk wherever possible ! Use bikes as an alternative to travel as they are a healthy way to travel for both you and the environment ! Alternatively you can also use public transport like buses or even do a carpool to save fuel and emissions. You can use Maps to find Bus routes , Bike routes, traffic details , bike repair shops, bike shops , etc to help you aid with the same !Maps screenshot taken by me showing bike shops near me on MapsMaps screenshot taken by me showing bike shops near me on Maps
  8. Be aware and spread awareness - Educate yourself and spread awareness regarding how we can help the environment. You can read and also write posts on Connect and/or host meet-ups to raise awareness. There are so many wonderful posts on Connect which you can read regarding helping the envirnment in a useful way like How to be more green  by @Cecilita  , Love bottles recycle by @Jesi , 5 easy ways you can help the environment on Google Maps by @DeniGu , Argentina -Environmental Impact by @Maximilianozalazar ,  World environment day 2023 Challenge by @Smita_Patil (this post has links to such other posts) , E-waste solution meet-up by @Tejal and the list can go on !


These are few ways I think we can implement that can help us save the environment using this forum and Maps. In case if you have any tips please feel free to mention in the comments below !

Thanks ! In case you wish to reach out, kindly send a private message on Connect. Feel free to tag on interesting posts by adding  '@' before my Connect profile id : globe_trotter_ish and I will respond as soon as I can !


Connect Moderator |  Guiding Star 2020 |  Guiding Star 2022Meet-up ChampionAccessibility Champion

Read Accessibility awareness posts here  | Accessible life - Google Earth projectInclusion and diversity series  | #GoGreenWithMaps series

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Level 10

Rif.: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

@Globe_trotter_Ish piacere di conoscerti😊,

hai scritto un testo stupendo e nelle mie possibilità farò il possibile per applicare i tuoi consigli. Uno,già da tempo lo sto facendo e mi riferisco all'acqua perchè quando lavo i denti l'acqua la faccio scorrere dal rubinetto a intervalli,per non sprecarne troppa.

Nel mio piccolo,recentemente ho lanciato l'idea di poter inserire nella mappa le tante Campane posizionate sul territorio per la raccolta di "indumenti usati" però al momento sembra che l'idea non ha avuto successo.

In ogni proposta c'è sempre un ostacolo da superare!🤔

Poi,da parecchio tempo sto inserendo sulla mappa numerosi "Parcheggi" che oltre ad aiutare i conducenti a trovare con più facilità un posto libero per la propria autovettura,forse fa anche risparmiare il carburante.

Insomma,vedo che c'è tanta carne al fuoco quando qualcuno diceva "tutto fumo e niente arrosto".

Buona Domenica @Globe_trotter_Ish 

Connect Moderator

Rif.: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

Wow.. thanks for sharing few more amazing tips @LUCIANO13 ! Yes , it feels great to do our bit to save the planet and reduce pollution too ! I missed to write about donations , thanks  for sharing that ! It indeed helps others and helps in reuse of things and in turn reduce landfill ! Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts here .. Like I said , "Together we can achieve more !". Stay safe , Keep guiding 😊

Thanks ! In case you wish to reach out, kindly send a private message on Connect. Feel free to tag on interesting posts by adding  '@' before my Connect profile id : globe_trotter_ish and I will respond as soon as I can !


Connect Moderator |  Guiding Star 2020 |  Guiding Star 2022Meet-up ChampionAccessibility Champion

Read Accessibility awareness posts here  | Accessible life - Google Earth projectInclusion and diversity series  | #GoGreenWithMaps series

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Level 8

Re: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

@Globe_trotter_Ish muchas gracias por la mención,realmente quedó espectacular el post👌. Vamos a seguir ayudando ser un mundo mejor.saludos

Level 8

Re: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

That's a great post @Globe_trotter_Ish! I totally agree with your suggestions on how to keep the environment clean and green. I think volunteering is an amazing way to help out with the environment, and encouraging the younger generations to preserve nature is important as well. Planting trees is a really great idea, and I think another way to help is by reducing our carbon footprint and energy consumption by using renewable sources of energy wherever possible. Map edits or adding missing places or even reviews are great ways to identify local businesses that are promoting sustainability and can be shared to inspire people. This is a great initiative nowadays.

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Re: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

Thats great to know @Maximilianozalazar ! Looking forward to more such amazing posts that show care n live for our planet. Thank you for your post ! Happy guiding !

Thanks ! In case you wish to reach out, kindly send a private message on Connect. Feel free to tag on interesting posts by adding  '@' before my Connect profile id : globe_trotter_ish and I will respond as soon as I can !


Connect Moderator |  Guiding Star 2020 |  Guiding Star 2022Meet-up ChampionAccessibility Champion

Read Accessibility awareness posts here  | Accessible life - Google Earth projectInclusion and diversity series  | #GoGreenWithMaps series

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Connect Moderator

Re: Tips to help keep our planet clean and green using Connect n Maps

Agreed @Rohan10 ! Thank you for supporting this amazing initiative ! Looking forward to your participation in this noble cause! Happy guiding!

Thanks ! In case you wish to reach out, kindly send a private message on Connect. Feel free to tag on interesting posts by adding  '@' before my Connect profile id : globe_trotter_ish and I will respond as soon as I can !


Connect Moderator |  Guiding Star 2020 |  Guiding Star 2022Meet-up ChampionAccessibility Champion

Read Accessibility awareness posts here  | Accessible life - Google Earth projectInclusion and diversity series  | #GoGreenWithMaps series

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