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Level 6

When will Google start to actually pay for this service?

App? Guide Local..

When will Google, one of the biggest companies in the world, take this service seriously?

You have real people giving real testimonials or very close to it, the contributions change the lives of the place and the people, wherever I am I see what is there to help, you may not be able to... times... day I visited, the more data the better for the user.

But if I were seriously paid for this, I would do it with much more quality and time, it would be a super incentive for the platform to really change the game and be much better used, as I will repeat, they are real people who take beautiful photos, tips that do make the Unlike those who are new to the place, it helps people's lives.

A seal could be created for the place visited, some category that the local business itself would feel encouraged to want to publicize as they would know through this program how beneficial it is for the CEO to know how their Business is really doing, it is a platform that helps those who know how to use it, of course, having real insight from real users, being told everything is fine doesn't help your business grow.


Anyway... in a digital world all mixed with AI, filters etc...

It is one of the few islands of people helping each other in the world!

Let's make a real program and put this platform well above the number of hits it has today, but for that to happen it has to be a program for big people and of course really paid!


A big hug!


Sidney Cabral

Level 10

Re: When will Google start to actually pay for this service?

Hi! Let’s get real here. You are a level 6 with 2500 points or so. 
I’ve got over 145,000 points, level 10, over 113 Million views and haven’t ever gotten even a sock from Google for it.


You can ask them, suggest to them all day long, and everyone agree with you, and they still won’t be paying anyone for this.


All I can say is “if only”!!! 

Level 9 is 50,000 points and Level 10 is 100,000 points.  

if only!!!!!!!



Level 6

Re: When will Google start to actually pay for this service?

We won't always have it, we have to come together, I do this as a hobby I don't stick to levels, because of that I'm not a Google Employee, I think your work in recognizing levels is really cool but today, as you said, unfortunately it's worthless, They have money, I guarantee that. A big hug and let's maybe set up a GL meeting, if Google doesn't do it, let's do it ourselves, we have common interests and the main one is to make suggestions and help everyone.

Level 9

Betreff: When will Google start to actually pay for this service?

@Cabral73 @David_Blumberg 

Oh je, ich möchte auf Google Maps keine Informationen sehen von Menschen die dafür bezahlt werden.

Es würde doch nur zu großer Unehrlichkeit führen.