📍 20 Must-Try Features to Celebrate 20 Years of Google Maps 🎉

You’re very welcome @PrasadVR ji ! I’m so glad you liked it. :blush:

Putting these collections together is something I enjoy, so it means a lot when people find hem useful. Thanks for the kind words! :pray:


Wow superb information


Thank you for your guidance. It’s very helpful and informative. :pray:

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Happy to help :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Supriyadevkar ji for your kind words and appreciation. :pray:

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us this will be very helpful for everyone. It’s a nice idea if you share a video with practical experience, and we are looking forward to more features. Keep posting here.


I really appreciate your kind words @Tejal! I’m glad you found the post helpful. :pray:

You know, I have actually put together videos in the post showing how to use these features – I screen recorded them myself! I hope you enjoyed seeing them in action.

Thanks for the suggestion and for your continued interest! I’ll keep sharing more helpful tips and tricks as I discover them. :+1:

Eine sehr gute Beschreibung der großartigen Funktionen in Google Maps @KetanChhaniyara zur großen Feier des Bestehens :sparkles::pray::sparkles:

Vielen Dank @Annaelisa! :pray:
Ich freue mich sehr, dass dir die Beschreibung gefällt. Es ist wirklich ein Grund zum Feiern – 20 Jahre Google Maps und all die spannenden Funktionen, die uns täglich begeistern!
Lass uns gemeinsam weiter die großartigen Möglichkeiten entdecken. :tada:

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Thanks for your kind response dear Ketan,

Street View with Pegman (9th) is one of the most important…
Well explained too…

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I completely agree @TravellerG, Street View with Pegman is an absolute game-changer for virtual exploration. :man_walking: Glad you found the explanation helpful! :+1:

Thank you for reverting! :blush:

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I sincerely enjoy supporting active LGs like you, my dear @KetanChhaniyara
Best wishes…

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जानकारीपुर्ण पोस्ट, शेअर करने के लिये धन्यवाद …

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Waoooo this is amazing @KetanChhaniyara

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Thank you for your appreciation @Shrut19! I’m glad you found it informative.

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@ShreyaMusings Thank you for your kind words.

@Googlers It’s wonderful to see that the Google Blog has also highlighted 20 favorite features to celebrate Google Maps’ 20th anniversary! Their post complements our discussion here, showcasing the diverse ways Google Maps has evolved over the years. If you’re interested, you can check out their article here: 20 things you didn’t know you could do with Google Maps

I invite fellow Local Guides to share their thoughts: @NareshDarji @Tejal @PrasadVR @TravellerG @TusharSuradkar @K.K.Sharma @Kumaarsantosh @giteshsharma @AjitThite @SarathUpendran @Ptrivedi @Rahul001 @ShreyaMusings @Supriyadevkar @ShifaAymal @Durgak03 @Shrut19 @Annaelisa @Aravindchaudhari @Gouri_S_Prakash @MathanVibranarayan @PrinceKumar @Rakshith_LG and all other dear LGs.

Let’s continue the conversation and celebrate the journey of Google Maps together! :tada:


Brilliant post, @KetanChhaniyara . Here, you’ve covered some of the most important features, including some of them added recently.

Thanks for sharing with us.


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@AjitThite ji thanks so much! Glad you found it useful. I appreciate you taking the time to read it. :blush:

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I MUST say this is one of the most useful and important posts in recent times. At one place one can get to know about some of the common and some new and hidden gems through your post.

I congratulate you for bringing this up to the community. Many thanks to you @KetanChhaniyara.

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