Celebrate Transgender Awareness Week With Me

Thank you @TusharSuradkar for your kind words and support. Basically you right, we need answers.
I will answer in short!

  1. There’s a transgender safespace option just like Lgbtq friendly but we didn’t got update on that. You can check Tiffany’s post about that . But to find a transgender safespace is just like Lgbtq friendly as it comes under that spectrum.
  2. Just like lgbtq friendly feature, you can find whether a business or POI hav gender neutral bathroom in their ‘about’ section and goes to amenities .
  3. I think there’s only two lgbtq friendly features - one is lgbtq friendly ( with logo ) and other is gender neutral bathroom feature. That’s all I know. If I miss anything, please let me know.
  4. Lgbtq friendly shops/ buisness are business that are friendly to and welcoming LGBTQ communities. They may have lgbtq logo in their shop/business to address. Every lgbtq friendly cafes/coffee shops I visited have gender neutral bathrooms.