I have also DONE.
Awesome way to have some fun exploring the new Connect.
Thanks for this @DeniGu and all
done done… indeed a fun way to learn more about the new Connect. Thanks for the quiz again @Ivi_Ge . Hope I answer the questions correctly
This is fun @Ivi_Ge . I am in. Just submitted my response.
Hi @Ivi_Ge
I submitted the form last month, so in question number 5, according to last month, I have mentioned the latest topic’s month by a Google Moderator. In this month a new topic has been posted, so will it be an issue or will my answer be considered correct as per the previous month?
Thanks @Ivi_Ge for the Challenge quiz to know better about the New Connect.
Thank you @DeniGu
Hi @Shaunak,
We accept both months as a correct response to Question 5, so don’t worry!
Thank you so much @DeniGu for your kind response.
@Maximilianozalazar Hola amigo ya termine el formulario de este reto de Local Guides connect…saludos desde México
Really enjoyed completing this quiz! It was a nice guided journey around the block @Ivi_Ge
Submitted the Answer @Ivi_Ge
Thank you dear @Ivi_Ge for the announcement. The challenge is truly interesting. I like it.
I have submitted my response. is there any way to get a copy of my response?
Thank you for organizing a great quiz competition. I participated in this quiz and hope I win a new badge. Happy guiding
Hello @DeniGu, completed this challenge. But I am not sure if my answers are write or wrong. When and where can I see the results.
@NareshDarji pls guide too.
Congratulations for participating in the challenge, @ShreyaMusings as a my knowledge Judges will decide whether the answer is right or wrong?To know the result stay on contact forum & localguide team (Googler ) announce the result on connect forum.
If your answers are correct then you will get a quiz winner badge in your profile.
Ok sure. Thanks for the reply @ShailendraOjha
These quizzes are so interesting. I will keep an eye. Thank you @NareshDarji