
Hello @Dr_Mukesh_Jadav,

Welcome to this wonderful community. This is like a home for Local Guides.

Request you to please go through the following articles. This will help you immensely.

  1. Welcome to the new and improved Connect!
  2. Visit our Community Guidelines page, to know more about our community.
  3. 5 Core Values of Connect
  4. A Welcome to Connect Hand
  5. Introduce Yourself
  6. While replying to a specific Local Guide (LG) or to mention a specific LG, please use ‘@’ followed by the respective LG user id. You will get this by typing ‘@’, then a list with suggestions appears, e.g. mine is @Kumaarsantosh.

Wish you all the very best.

Keep building a well-informed community stronger :muscle: together.

Best Wishes!