Hope to see more from you, dear Guru Priya…
Kindly remember to tag me in your contributions…
Regards with gratitude,
summary was Amazing Thanks for sharing @DeniGu
We celebrated the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day in Johannesburg South Africa
What a beautiful and wonderful summary @DeniGu. It’s so wonderful to see how around the world, we are united together celebrating Christmas but also in our own unique and beautiful ways.
I loved seeing the festive photos and I found myself smiling as I read through them. As @SholaIB wonderfully put it, it’s about happiness- and also as @Maykom shared- about spending time together.
I lived vicariously through these photos the wonderful Guides shared.
@AdamGT that is just too funny what you shared about going on a diet right after.
…I have eaten quite a bit of junk food these holidays so I can echo your feelings for a diet… but @SoniaK’s bourbon balls just look so tempting and @Rohlik’s carp with potato salad also sound yummy.
I was able to see the historic significance too, such as reading what @KamalHossenR shared about Victory Day, and what an inspiring photo of you holding the flag!
I learned new things too, such as how Christmas is celebrated twice in Belarus from @Tatsiana_T, and also how in South India there is the festival of lights followed by fasting- which I read from @Gurukrishnapriya.
I felt enchanted too. The photo by @Praj13 had such a magical feel- the blue of the sign against the dark blue night. And @renata1, I love how you wrote about the magical feel and I feel that was conveyed wonderfully in your photo of the towering lit up tree.
Sharing a Christmas photo and greetings from the Waterfront in Arizona!
З вамі складана не пагадзіцца. Пост сапраўды атрымаўся вельмі цікавы і пазнавальны, а таксама дазволіў здзейсніць казачнае падарожжа па 10 краінах.
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Thank you for share us @DeniGu
Truly, a celebrative month of the year! Thanks for sharing them all here @DeniGu
Thanks, @DeniGu, for the informative post about how events are celebrated worldwide this December. I hope all celebrations are filled with joy and peace.
Thanks a lot @AZ_2021 I really feel preveleged to know that you have read all the festivals by our Local Guides throughout the world. Its very interesting to read about December festivals.
Congratulations dear @soniaK
Thank you for sharing the summary with us.
Beautiful topic.
Happy holidays to all Local Guides and their families.
May these be incredible dates for everyone, and may the year 2025 bring much joy and success, and may we be able to grow this community even more.
@KamalHossenR Thanks for sharing with us.
Un any més el 31 de desembre hem sortit al carrer amb la família i els amics, a buscar a l’Home dels nassos, tradicionalment, se sol explicar a la mainada que en aquest dia surt un home que té tants nassos com dies té l’any, de tal forma que els nens s’imaginen un personatge estrafolari amb 365 nassos a la cara, sense pensar que el 31 de desembre resta un sol dia per acabar l’any, de manera que l’any només en té un, de dia, els altres ja han passat, i ja no els té. L’Home dels nassos reparteix caramels per tothom i es fan diferents jocs on ell participa.