Hidden Reviews? Read this.

Very interesting & informative post as usual @MortenCopenhagen , I must admit that by your post and comments by fantastic local guides and Connect Moderators here gave me great new knowledge.

Thanks for starting such a fruitful series of posts.


Hello @MortenCopenhagen ,
The first thing that struck me about your post was the photo with your teeth exposed. Having worked for 41 years in the dental field, as a secretary, assistant and dental hygienist, it was like asking for a dental visit. Of course I’m joking. I am now happily retired.
I only recently discovered, just meeting local guides that I have more or less 100’s of hidden reviews. I don’t know why, but I know that I had to learn a lot about the use of technology first of all, Google regulations, and other thing
 I’m sure I was wrong without knowing it. I don’t think there is always intentionality, sometimes you are superficial because you are tired, or you are convinced that you are doing everything correctly.
However, I filled out the form to check my reviews again. I know you don’t agree with showing the errors, but I confess that I’d be very curious to know which ones have been blocked. In the meantime, I’ll try not to underestimate any detail, hoping to do everything correctly.

I’m sorry if the text may seem unclear to you. I often use google translate and I notice that it is often wrong too.


I think your username could be related to your former job?

In my childhood the school dentist believed wrongly to use the drill on anything remotely relevant! I now enjoy traveling to get my teeth worked on abroad at more reasonable prices as mentioned here. Maybe Cuba could be next :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .

Your English is better than mine.

The Google Maps rules are not always intuitive so we really need to read them carefully if we intend to follow all of them.

Are you asking for help to identify your hidden reviews? If you want to identify which of your reviews are hidden please see this post.

All the best


Hello, @MortenCopenhagen

Your summary is in line with many guides who are facing difficulties. Some users may find this useful.

However, Google does not judge good quality. If they judge it, it’s control of free speech. Google does not hide it for control.

It is great that we have our own high ideals, but there are no controls to enlighten them. Of course, we don’t do that either.

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Hello @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks for writing an interesting article.

Do you have empirical data to support the credibility of the checklist you listed at the top of your article?
Or is it a collection of ideological opinions about the “ideal review” you dream of?

Above means that reviews that pass your checklist are never invisible, and are you sure that the AI will properly filter out reviews that fail your checklist?
Without such experiments, your checklist is just common sense.

Of course, I also think that it is important to enlighten common sense.
So please show the fact that if the review follows that checklist, it won’t be hidden.

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Hi @potaro67

The source of the two first lists are clearly stated in the text. List one simply consists of the headings found in this Google help document. No interpretation from my hand what soever.

The second list are direct citations from the same same document reordered by me to reflect common review violations.

Not much dreaming there.

The Tips document is was added recently by Google as part of a much needed improvement/revision of the guidelines.

As also mentioned in my post the later and long list is based more on interpretations.

Kindly take a look at the tips document and let me know what discrepancies you find and I will be happy to make nessesary corrections.



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I forgot to address:

Does it
. mean that reviews that pass your checklist are never invisible, and are you sure that the AI will properly filter out reviews that fail your checklist?

Of cause not in the current situation where reviews get hidden randomly. Under normal circumstances the 2 lists are as close to the best guidance you can get. The guidance is not something normative I made up as explained above.

And of cause noone can guarantee the spam filter will filter one to one according to the guidelines. It has never been so.

Reading and knowing the guidelines is the first and probable best first step to not get hit by the spam filter.



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Hi, @MortenCopenhagen

Thank you for your explanation.
I can see the basis for your argument.
So if we follow your guidelines, won’t our reviews be invisible?

I am skeptical of that standard.
I know that Google wants to build an AI that behaves according to such standards.
But now, many good and helpful reviews are hidden because of the many anomalies in its behavior.

The current problem is not in the sentences written by the user. It is based on Google’s incomplete and unstable processing.

I fully agree with the criteria you have provided.
However, it is not possible to avoid current troubles just by following them.
And I’m sure the users reading your article are already following the standards you set out.
What users who have taken the time to write reviews that have been deleted do not want a lecture on how to write.
We are eager to see Google’s AI do the right thing.


My name is Deni and the T is the first letter of me surname, ah ah @MortenCopenhagen
Cuba is a wonderful country to visit and their healthcare seems to be of a good standard but in general be careful when going abroad to get your teeth fixed.

In my experience the large dental clinic promotes more than necessary. I prefer conservative care instead of replacing it with a new capsule or implants.

They love doing implants because they earn a lot and the customer thinks it’s the best solution and that it lasts forever, it’s not true.

If you need any help related to your teeth to make the decision what to do, you can ask me anytime.

Have a nice day

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You’re right @potaro67

Arguments for guidelines that give moral hints need to be prudent.

We would innocently undermine the dedicated contributions of many Local Guides if we did not proceed with the discussion with more respect for others.


Thanks for your latest reply and for reading the updated guidelines from Google.

Let me repeat that I and nobody else wrote that following the guidelines will solve the current problem with the spam filter.

Communicating the updated guidelines related to reviews still seems very warranted and relevant.

Most Local Guides are obviously not aware of the updated and more normative review guidelines.



@MortenCopenhagen Great post as usual. When review problem started in second half of 2022. I read the policy stuff word by word and understood a lot. By the policy i could say yes there was issue with many of my reviews. I tried hard went back to dig my old reveiws and chopped almost 25% of them and henceforth I started putting more efforts in new reviews and reduced number of reviews significantly but the real pain was some of the reviews were still held back n released quite late. But it pains more when I go to those places back and l check how well my reviews are placed but to my astonishment my review aren’t there but i can still see one liners and lame reviews being at top. The 17 points you mentioned were pretty much in mind when I wrote new ones but I still see very little breakthrough tbh. I also filed for reviewing but so far no luck . I have great aggreement with your lines like “Google has a policy to never explain or specify what we are doing wrong” and given up on review thing :see_no_evil:

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Thanks for sharing your review experiences and conclusions harvested over a long period, @Trail_blazer

If I knew what you should do next I for sure would share it. Use the hidden contributions form again is probably the best you can do, and check back weekly I guess.



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Thanks @MortenCopenhagen already did that around first week of Dec 22. But after suffering so much I decided to put a detailed post about reviews like yours talking about policy etc but i know i couldn’t put it as fine and detailed as yours. Your posts put end to tens of doubts. :+1:t2:

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Oi, @Trail_blazer

Com relação a esse trecho:

“I go to those places back and l check how well my reviews are placed but to my astonishment my review aren’t there but i can still see one liners and lame reviews being at top”

É o que me causa muitas dĂșvidas, aqui, exemplos com imagens.



Hi @MortenCopenhagen
Looks like I’m having this problem. I only realized this when I shared my review, but it can’t be seen by other people who received the link I sent. Even though I have tried to give the best and objective reviews of every place I have visited. Maybe I should re-read the rules and find out what I’ve missed. Thank you for sharing this very important issue.

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Hi @br14n

You are most welcome.

I can confirm from your public profile that you have added 853 reviews and only 592 of them are public.

Google has automatic filters that hide your reviews so only you can see them. This can happen when some of your reviews violate the review guidelines.

Read about typical review guideline violations here.

If you are on a Desktop use this link to Count your hidden contributions. From a mobile device use this link.

If you want to identify which of your reviews are hidden please see this post.

Please use the form called Account investigation for contributions not visible on Google Maps if you believe that some of your contributions have been wrongfully unpublished.

Best of luck

Hallo @MortenCopenhagen

noch nie habe ich einen Bericht von dir gefunden, der mich nicht interessiert hĂ€tte
 einen, sehr komplexen, mit der goldenen Stunde, der mich nicht sofort mit Wissen erfĂŒllt zurĂŒck gelassen hat, diesen musste ich mir ein paar Male durchlesen um ihn zu verstehen

Aber heute und hier, ich war gefesselt von den Angaben deinerseits und den Antworten aller Anderen andererseits.

Ich machte auch den Check
 oh ja
 es gibt einige versteckte Rezensionen und auch versteckte Bilder (trotz meiner AufrÀumaktion)

Bin ich enttÀuscht, ja.

Bin ich frustriert, ein bisschen.

Ich gebe mir wirklich die grĂ¶ĂŸte MĂŒhe alles richtig zu machen :rofl: aber Unwissenheit schĂŒtzt vor Strafe nicht. Also erweitere ich einfach meine BemĂŒhungen :wink: unterkriegen wegen SO ETWAS? Nö, da habe ich bereits Schlimmeres hinter mir.

Was ich nun aber so RICHTIG toll fand war, dass alle Rezensionen bei denen ich ein Foto löschte, plötzlich wieder als aktuell erschienen. Als habe ich sie gerade erst gepostet.

Wodurch habe ich dies gemerkt?

Ich bekam Antwort von einer BÀckerei die ich vor lÀngerer Zeit einmal aufgesucht hatte

UND ich bekam ein Mail aus Frankreich, dass meine Rezension gegen die Richtlinien verstoße und daher nicht mehr öffentlich zu sehen ist. :astonished:

 ein Mail
 aus Frankreich
 auf französisch

Schwupps alles einmal durch den google Übersetzer gezogen und tatsĂ€chlich, mein Verdacht bestĂ€tigte sich
 eine Rezension ist nicht mehr sichtbar wegen eines Regelverstoßes
 :astonished: Schock!!! Ein Regelverstoß
 und das MIR?!?

 wann war ich in Frankreich?!? Was habe ich bewertet?

Welcher Beitrag um Himmels willen ist es?!? OHA
 Schloss Chenonceau hier auf maps
 und hier auf connect.

Wer liest, was ich bei den jeweiligen Seiten geschrieben habe mag zwischen den Zeilen vielleicht die Begeisterung herauslesen den diese Ort auf mich ausgeĂŒbt hat.

Ich war umso bestĂŒrzter.

Sogleich nahm ich mir den Text vor, Zeile fĂŒr Zeile. Ich stieß tatsĂ€chlich, nach LANGER Suche auf genau EIN WORT! Ein Wort welches VIELLEICHT gegen eine Regel verstĂ¶ĂŸt?

Zur damaligen Zeit war es in Frankreich nicht ungewöhnlich, dass ein König nicht nur Zuneigung zu seiner Königin hatte
 es gab auch die ein oder andere Frau an seiner Seite. Eine dieser Damen geschichtlich M Ă€ t r e s s e genannt, spielte in der Geschichte des Schlosses eine sehr prĂ€gende Rolle.

Ich konnte mir lediglich vorstellen, dass es auf Grund von einer etwaigen AnzĂŒglichkeit die KI dazu veranlasste diesen so sehr geliebten Bericht von mir heraus zu filtern.

Und ich Ànderte den Satz, in dem ich genau dieses Wort einfach löschte.

Heute Morgen reichte ich die Rezension erneut ein, und siehe da, sie ist wieder online. Als NEU gekennzeichnet. (mein frustrierter, kÀmpferischer Teil sieht dieses NEU als Brandmal - meine sanfte Seite freut sich schlicht und einfach, dass die Rezension wieder online ist :rofl: )

Die alles bedurfte einer sehr genauen PrĂŒfung meinerseits. Auch Zeit, klar.

Ich bin dankbar, dass ich durch die Testversion aus Frankreich ÜBERHAUPT erst darauf hingewiesen wurde, dass meine Rezension nicht online ist.

Wie sehr wĂŒrde ich mir dies auch fĂŒr meine anderen versteckten Rezensionen wĂŒnschen. Wie einfach wĂ€re es, den betreffenden Text, in meinem Fall dieses eine Wort kenntlich zu machen. Wie einfach wĂ€re es fĂŒr mich gewesen, diesen unabsichtlichen Verstoß SOFORT zu korrigieren. (wobei ich mich nicht einmal ĂŒber die Einstufung meines geschichtlich genutzten Wortes beschweren möchte) Der Erfolg fĂŒhlt sich an, als hĂ€tte ich des RĂ€tsels Lösung in einem Escape Room gefunden - purer Triumph!

Aber was wĂŒrde dies fĂŒr all die schwarzen Schafe dort draußen bedeuten? Anhand solcher Markierungen NOCH bessere Fakes zu verfassen?

Die Verbesserung der Zeitachse erscheint mir tatsĂ€chlich ein mögliches Werkzeug fĂŒr Google zu sein um Fakes einzuschrĂ€nken. Zumindest um ĂŒberregional gekaufte Rezensionen leicht herausfiltern zu können. Aber nur, wenn nicht extra eine “RIESE” zum faken angetreten wurde.

Insgesamt fĂ€nde ich es jedoch wĂŒnschenswert, wenn mir die versteckten Rezensionen angezeigt werden wĂŒrden. Ebenso die Fotos. Auch oghne Hinweis auf den Verstoß.

Ich wĂŒrde mir erneut Zeile fĂŒr Zeile vornehmen um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Ich mache Sachen entweder ganz und mit Herzblut, oder gar nicht. Keine halben Sachen. Manchmal beiße ich mich daran fest bis ich es verstanden habe.

Ich bin Google auch nicht böse, es MÜSSEN Handlungen erfolgen um Regeln durchzusetzen. Auch wenn es, Local Guides trifft, die diesen Namen auch wirklich verdienen. Bei solchen Dingen geht es bestimmt im weiteren Verlauf um die Feinabstimmung. Wie scharf muss eine KI durchgreifen um Wirkung zu zeigen? Wie handhabt sie GrenzfĂ€lle? Wo zieht sie die Linie etc.

Was wir benötigen ist sicherlich einen langen Atem. Wo Frustration hochkocht ist in der Tat Niemandem geholfen. Wie man in Deutschland sagt: “die Flinte ins Korn werfen” ist fĂŒr mich auch keine Option. Deutlich zu machen, hier muss sich etwas Ă€ndern, ist aber wichtig und richtig!

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Don’t beat your self too hard. The current problems with the spam filter are hiding perfectly good reviews also.

I’m glad to hear that the old strategy to remove words or sentences one by one started working again. A year ago that was a failprof method.

Photos that are attached to a review can somehow change the review date. I don’t understand the details of this. But it is not something new.



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O que realmente me intriga nĂŁo Ă© o filtro anti-spam derrubar avaliaçÔes. É nĂŁo derrubar avaliaçÔes claramente spam como indicado aqui, mesmo apĂłs denunciar as avaliaçÔes e o perfil.

