Land of Bridges Ghizer valley

Thanks my dear for your loving words @Austinelewex

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Yes you are right @Izumi @ it’s not easy task it’s almost impossible for a common man but the locals do it very easily even kids to this thanks a lot for your response

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I will be happy if you share your printed copies thanks a lot for your response @TheEagleEye

you don’t have a lot of time even then @OlgaKlimchik @ you gave the response for my post I am grateful to you for your response yes you are right a few people have courage to cross the river on this cable car even I don’t have too much courage to class this river on this cable ca


No I don’t have so much courage to do this it’s almost impossible for a person like me It’s a challenge only for brave people like you @Ant_Bad_Yogi

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@Muhammad_Usman Yes, you are right, last time I have not much time to read a lot, so it’s great you had tagged me to your nice post.

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Hey @Muhammad_Usman ,

Kudos for writing this post! Your photos look amazing. :blush:

I’ve never heard of Jhulla Pul before. It really looks quite dangerous and adventurous. Do local use Jhulla in their daily lives?

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Thanks @helga19 @ for your interest in my post I am taking you you at my next post that you can see this post.

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Yes @TsekoV @ local people use it daily because there is no other way to go there house it’s only way to cross the river even the small children go there school daily by using this jhula pul.

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@Muhammad_Usman hahaha

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MASHA ALLAH :heartbeat:

Great Effort @Muhammad_Usman

Proud to be that we live in such a beautiful place Pakistan :pakistan:

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What a wonderful place is this!!

And nice photography as well!!!


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جميل جدا

انها جنة على الأرض

من المؤكد ان الناس تعبوا كثيرا حتى تم بناء هذه الجسور الرائعه والمفيدة للجميع

شكرا على هذه المشاركه

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Yes we should be proud on our loving country and we should thanks our God he gave us such a beautiful country thanks a lot my dear @muhammad_ilyas @you can see my latest post about Phader valley*here*

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Thanks a lot my dear @abhishekpatk @ for your appreciation if you want to see more posts about this area you can read here

Thanks alot my dear @_141 @for your loving words in fact there is no heaven on earth Allah promised us heaven on judgement day but we can say it’s only example of Heaven if you want to see more posts of this area and this tour you can check these posts thanks my dear for your response

1- Babusar Pass

2- White water rafting a life time experience

3- Yasin Valley Gilgit

4- Stone age houses still exist in Pakistan

5- Hopper Garden Gahkuch

6- Land of Bridges Ghizer valley

7- Road to heaven
8- Phander valley complete Guide

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شكرا لك

انا لا اعني انها جنة على الأرض فأنا اعلم ان الجنة قد وعدنا اياه الله في السماء ولكن اقصد في كلمة جنه انها جميله جدا

شكرا لك صديقي @Muhammad_Usman

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Thanks a lot brother @_141 @ for your response and interest in my posts seeing your interest I want to request you if you have some time please go through my latest episode -Hidden beauty of Phander valley

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نعم هذا مؤكد سوف افعل يا أخي @Muhammad_Usman

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Thanks my dear @_141 شکرا یا اخیی

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