@ShreyaMusings , as you can read in Troubleshoot Local Guides account issues - Google Maps Help, " Common reasons for removal include:
- Participating on Local Guides as a business
- Inappropriate behaviour on Connect
- Posting duplicate reviews or photos
- Contributing offensive content or spam
- Adding fake locations
- Changing correct business names
- Adding unnecessary keywords
Honestly I didn’t checked your profile before, but you have to do h huge clean-up.
Photos like the ones here below, just to be clear, where you can see a set of three redundant photos posted twice, without adding any additional information about the place
Or the photos here taken during a meet-up with @NareshDarji , perfect for a photo album but useless in Maps and also violating the privacy of the people: Privacy - Maps User Contributed Content Policy Help
"Be a good neighbour and don’t publish photos or videos in which people are identifiable without their permission. "
Regarding a big store with multiple businesses inside, it is not permitted to publish the same photo in more than one business.
You can use the “located within” feature for making clear where the businesses are: Local Guides Tips: How to add “Located Within” in Google Maps