Good question @JanVanHaver
In the past I had no problem with this kind of edits, that were normally approved immediately. Today I tried a different test, moving six places from a wrong “container” to the right one. All my six edits still be pending
Good question @JanVanHaver
In the past I had no problem with this kind of edits, that were normally approved immediately. Today I tried a different test, moving six places from a wrong “container” to the right one. All my six edits still be pending
Did I just see @JanVanHaver describe himself as a "beginner level editor? - I think that means the rest of us are still thinking about emerging from the primordial ooze by comparison.
Haha @PaulPavlinovich
It seems you missed the "although I’m not really a beginner level editor "
Very Informative post i learn a lot of useful things from this post.
Thank you @ErmesT .
hehehe @ErmesT
Those edits I made are pending (as shown when I open them again), but I did not receive an email about that (which normally is the case when an edit goes pending). Weird all over…
Thank you for your feedback, @BidurC , hope the post will help you
@ErmesT thank you for this very important topic. I spent the longest time explaining this feature and implications in the Lagos group. So, this could be a reference post if it comes up again.
I also think this one reason many small businesses take up POI interests like the larger Malls. In trying to create their businesses, the change the name instead of applying within feature.
I called a business owner who has a store in one of Lagos’ biggest malls and this was his challenge. His intention wasn’t to take over the Mall. I explained to him how to fix it.
Hy @ErmesT ,
one other thing to be mentioned in original post:
POI descriptors… Should not be there in a name…
Many POIs end up with names “McDonald’s Split Joker Mall”
It is business McDonald’s, Located within Mall named Joker which is situated in Split"
You are absolutely correct @VlLo .
I’ve added your tips on the original post, thanks a lot for the feedback
Dear @ErmesT thanks for the Tips “Located Within” feature. It will be very helpful Tips on Google Maps.
It is a very informative post.
@PaulPavlinovich , @JanVanHaver , @DeniGu
I can finally come with a feedback, and yes, Google Maps denied ALL my edits.
The funny part: The same company owns both the Shopping Mall and the Hypermarket located inside the Shopping Center, so both have a common part (Emisfero) in the name.
The Hypermarket is correctly located inside the Shopping Mall
All the other businesses in the Shopping Mall are wrongly located inside the Hypermarket, and there is no way to move them inside the correct place
All the edit are rejected, and are also showing the wrong date (April 19 is the date of the rejection, not the date they were edited)
In conclusion: this feature is beautiful, but if the edits are constantly not applied the Local guides will continue to upload duplicate photos across locations
About the date shown for the edit @ErmesT : my interpretation has always been that when we submit an edit, a new record is created in a database of Edits, and that record is then linked to the POI on the one hand and to the LG profile on the other hand. What we see in our list of edits on the LG profile is then simply a list of all records in that database linked to our LG profile.
This ‘Edit’ record is of course changed when it goes from Pending to either Approved or Not applied, so I think the date shown there is the date this Edit record was last changed, not the date when the LG submitted the edit (which will no doubt also be stored in a field called ‘Created on’ or so - representing the date when he Edit record was made for that POI, i.e. the date the LG submitted the edit).
And I actually prefer it this way, since the effect is that Pending edits move to the top of our list when they are evaluated, which is especially nice for the Not applieds as those do not result in an email notification.
Oh I know that Not Applied feeling well @ErmesT I got some “inside” edits approved the other day - it surprised me!
This is supper helpful. Thanks for sharing. I thought located within meant nearby place. God this is so helpful
But how do I do it for my own business?? It’s easy enough to do it for someone else’s business but I can’t find a way to do it for mine!