Thanks a lot @KashifMisidia , we both need it! I have lot of weight to remove from my body right now!
Wine and marathons sounds perfect to me @ErmesT ! Hahaha.
And kite surf looks great too, another motivation for me to start swimming, because a i really want to try it!.
Thanks so much for always give us lot of options to enjoy Ermes!
Lalo… quiero aprender a nadar, no ser parte de una prueba de criogenización, jajaja. Pero podemos visitar el cráter del Nevado de Toluca para hacer muchas tomas áereas con tu dron sin problema. Pero te propongo trotar desde el albergue hasta las lagunas, ¿te atreverías @LaloPadilla ?
Congratulations once again and it’s nice to know more about you @LightRich
Thank you for sharing with us @InaS
Congratulations @LightRich for being featured
Hey, you should find the time to learn how to swim, so that you could make your triathlons wish comes true someday! I believe you could do it well. And swimming is so fun and healthy as well.
Swimming is just like driving. Once you can do it, even though you haven’t done it for a long time (just like me ), you still can swim once you meet the pool with water
I need to train myself more in cycling and running to be able to join the triathlons hahaha…
And oh, I think you forgot something! You should mention about your cooking skill especially your signature Guacamole.
Of course @LightRich , that’s Italian hospitality for our fellow Local Guides friends .
When you are in Italy I can come to Venice as well in case you might not go Souther than that, I’m sure @ErmesT can bring us in a Neapolitan pizzeria over there too .
wow! it is really great to know about @LightRich . Hope beside Venice, Florence and Argentina, You will also visit Kolkata, India, as there are lots of Mexico team’s football fan in Kolkata . Jokes apart, team West Bengal Local Guides (WBLG) will be there to welcome and guide you in the city of joy (Kolkata).
Thanks @InaS for sharing about him with all of us.
Stay safe and happy.
Have a great year ahead!
Haha, @LuigiZ , are you talking about This pizza?
The pizza was good, @LightRich (just look at the end of the table to see what Luigi is doing. LOL)
Really cool to learn more about you, @LightRich ! I wish I had the skill to pull off a marathon, I think that’s really cool!
Thanks @JaneBurunina , i always enjoy sharing with you in the meetups. Hoping to meet you face to face some day.
@SilvyC nos parecemos en muchos aspectos!! por eso la pasamos tan bien en los meetups y ahora en las salas de CH, jaja. Si, debo organizarme para que la natación se convierta en una meta alcanzada. Y seguro muy prointo podres vernos en persona, Buenos Aires esta en mi lista de viajes futuros para ver con mis propios ojos todo lo que ustedes nos han platicado y que he visto solo a través de StreetView.
@AdrianLunsong I must say about 5 years ago I did several 360 shots on a route in the forest that I uploaded to the map. But I haven’t done it again after that. Most of the routes I run in the city already appear in street view, but with all the new features that Maps has released in recent months it sounds like a great idea to try other routes.
Debemos hacer una apuesta sobre quien visitará primero a la otra comunidad de Local Guides en su ciudad @Jesi
Pero cada vez lo veo más cerca, asi que creo que esa reunión puede ocurrir muy pronto.
Sabes que la respuesta a esa pregunta siempre será: “No, no pica nada”, jajaja. Pero ya es cuestión tuya creerlo o no @SebaasC .
En todo caso cualquier platillo siempre sabrá delicioso con un poquito de salsa.
This post is helping us get to know each other @AdamGT . Tell us more about your marathons, in which cities they were?.
I must challenge myself to learn to swim because I really want to do triathlons. So I already have another goal for this year.
I will let you know about that.
Totally @Velvel ! I must learn to swim very soon, this must be a challenge for me, but it´s reachable one.
About guacamole… maybe you should try my version of “Choriqueso al tequila”. Pretty sure that you would love it!
Now, i´m thinking about make a post about that…
I must tell you that “The Miami Marathon” is still in my bucket list @SP31 . Never been in Miami, so i should check it some day!
Thanks to @MAHBUB_HYDER @NirmalTeja @RHoqueBD @Sagir @Zuhralc @AbdullahAM @PritishB for all your comments! This is a great advantage in Connect: to be able to meet new and interesting people like all of you are.
Let´ss keep guiding!
@ErmesT posting this kind of pics is so cruel!! My mouth is alreadyy watering! i almost can smell it, hahaha.
The body posture of @LuigiZ is like ours in Mexico when we eat some (or several) tacos. Hahahaha
Hi @NareshDarji !!
Thanks for reading, i must tell you that i´m a big fan of your IG posts.