My Volcano Travel Theme

Happy New Year to you too, @Ddimitra

Of course, there are many volcanoes to visit in your area of the world, but I would watch most of them from a safe distance as all the ones I know are grey volcanoes.

High on my list is Kawah Ijen (East Java), known for its sulfur mining and ‘blue flames’. But it is currently closed, I think, as it is active and expected to erupt.

Ljen on Google Maps:


Hi @KashifMisidia ,
Thank you for your response.

Interesting that you would mention mud volcanoes.

They are, of course, a completely different type of “volcano”, without a magma chamber. Instead, mud volcanoes are a type of feature that one might see in geothermal areas. Geothermal areas can be found in volcanic areas, like the famous Yellowstone National Park in the USA, but this is certainly not always the case. Geothermal areas are also common in subduction zones of our planet where there is no volcano. This is where one tectonic plate gets pushed below another tectonic plate. Sorry, if I am getting too technical here. :innocent:


Vesuvius and Santorini are two amazing volcanic destinations to visit. Vesuvius is also on the top 10 list of most dangerous volcanoes in the world. This has mostly to do with the large number of people living in very close proximity. Even with (for example) 3-day notice, it would be very difficult to evacuate so many people.

I hope you will consider visiting Stromboli sometime. It is probably one of the best places to see a red volcano in action in Europe, with a very high probability for it to be erupting during your visit. When Stromboli stops erupting for a few days, it normally means it is building up pressure and it becomes more likely that a larger-than-normal eruption occurs. Make sure, not to go on a tour on a day when the mountain is not erupting frequently.


Hello dear friend @JeroenM

IIn such articles, illustration is important not the quality of photo - all your photos have served the purpose of contextual illustration - great.

So kind of you to spare time to locate the active volcanoes in India - I did a Google search before my first reply to you - I couldn’t locate any.

Barren (active since 2021) & Baratang (active since 2003).

Thank you very much for your valuable time.

I saw both the islands in Google Maps - thanks for your link. There are a couple of excellent photos in Maps, especially of Barren Island.

Waiting for more contributions & humbly request you to kindly tag me in your future posts, please.


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I knew about your fascination with volcanoes @JeroenM but this post is a really epic piece of work. Well done!


Ciao @JeroenM nonostante io non sia attratta dai vulcani ho letto con molto piacere questo bellissimo post e ammirato le tue meravigliose fotografie. Pensa che pur avendo vissuto per molti anni a Napoli non sono mai andata sul Vesuvio ma l’ho visto “fumare” molte volte da lontano e molte volte ho potuto sentire le scosse di terremoto nella zona flegrea legate ai movimenti del vulcano. È stato molto interessante leggere le tue considerazioni sul Turismo dei disastri, sono d’accordo con te sui pro e i contro, in particolare sul fatto che spesso le masse che accorrono per curiosità danneggiano le operazioni di soccorso. Grazie è stato istruttivo tanto quanto guardare un documentario ma più piacevole per l’aggiunta di dettagli e aneddoti. Grande lavoro :clap: :clap:

@PattyBlack , I am glad to hear that you enjoyed my article. You may be interested to read my article about My Roman Travel Theme. It explains how a trip to the Bay of Naples (to visit volcanoes) kicked off my interest in Roman sites and museums.

I visited Naples and surrounding areas a number of times and love it.

@JanVanHaver thank you for taking the time to read my post. I thought it suitable to go with a BANG when I shared my passion . :sweat_smile:


I cannot believe I read this whole article word for word till the very end!!!

You write just the way you talk; :blush: swiftly!

I have never visited a volcano. I doubt my mother’s warning voice which is always in my head will make me visit one. But I was thrilled reading your over 30 years experience!

The themed travel I have engaged in for few years now is water.

I want to see every kind of water there is particularly; Beaches.

Now, I have to begin to document my travels and ask questions too.

Well done! Our Local Guides World Oga @JeroenM

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আগ্নেয়গিরি নিয়ে অভিজ্ঞতা আমদের সাথে সেয়ার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।

বাংলাদেশ থেকে

:bangladesh: :bangladesh: :bangladesh: :bangladesh: :bangladesh:

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@Aslam_hossain :pray:

@Ewaade_3A you make me laugh talking about your mother that way.
Water is a GREAT travel theme. My other travel theme is also water related. The type of sport I love to practice is white water paddling (canoe, raft, or kayak). Where I live there are no rivers, so I must travel to be able to practice my hobby.

I also love waterfalls. But my fear of heights prevents me from kayaking those unless they are very small. :rofl:
But when hiking, I love to find trails to waterfalls

I hope to see you at today´s #HistoryChallenge and thank you for your kind feedback.

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absolutely a great post @JeroenM It’s so informative, I have seen the volcano in costa Rica from a nearby coffee plantation at a very safe distance away It was smoking. And we have been by the Island of Montserrat a couple of times on cruises. This is a great article.

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Oh my goodness, I am just reading this!


I wish I knew about a History challenge, I would have come just to hear you speak again.

Next time, please reach me, you know how we do :blush:

I have seen a picture or video of you kayaking over a waterfall before, if my memory serves me!!


I (and millions of Nigerians) wonder what makes people you take so much risks!


@JeroenM Happy Friday. I thought I replied but perhaps it was stuck as a draft. It was so nice to meet you in our last trivia, although my brain was mush that day. I had a blast and you were such a fun host. We learned a lot, and your article is so well-written. I love the pictures as well. Volcanoes are quite fascinating and it is so cool you are exploring them. :couple_with_heart_woman_man: :volcano:

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I have not even traveled outside of my country, South Africa :rofl: . The world is full of amazing sites. But with the photo appetizers from Google LGs I will make a move.

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