Hello @mrinmoiHossain and @MahabubMunna ,
you are not alone and this is neither related to hotels nor any Geo-specific restriction.
Alle reviews and uploaded media are checked by a filter - not only after posting, also periodically later on. It not only checks for obeying the rules, but also for suspected SPAM and fake information. Those checks can also be wrong, but in order to fight fake news, it is better to hide too many, rather than not enough.
If a review has photos attached, the text and all photos are checked. If only a single photo is refused, the entire review and all other photos attached to it, will be hidden to the public.
Therefore, as a first step to solve this, remove all photos and watch, if the text-only review is published. If so, attach the photos again, but when by one.
To understand more, read this: How to Get In and Out of Trouble: The Main post and the other links, @MortenCopenhagen kindly provided in that article.
I just checked your profile @mrinmoiHossain:
In total, you have 45 of your photos and 11 reviews hidden.
@MahabubMunna has 222 photos and 67 reviews hidden.
I also tag @ErmesT , since he usually has some more explanations and better than mine .