Hola @AriMar , estoy intentando buscar información para entender que significa PERK y no la encuentro.
Podrías decirme que significa?
Muchas gracias de antemano y perdona mi ignorancia.
Un saludo desde Alicante (España)
Hola @AriMar , estoy intentando buscar información para entender que significa PERK y no la encuentro.
Podrías decirme que significa?
Muchas gracias de antemano y perdona mi ignorancia.
Un saludo desde Alicante (España)
Great, thanks for the detailed message. @AriMar
I am level 8 contributor and now I am running out of free 15 GB google drive space. Presently, not able to contribute photos to google map as there is no space left in google drive for photo and video contributions. Please suggest what to do?
Thanks dear @AriMar , for sharing this very useful information many are looking for.
Also very interesting to know that, the team is willing to accommodate locally available offers. Great!
Hello @AriMar
Thank you for this very clear post. thanks for sharing with us.
Thank you @AriMar for this really helpful and informative post. A perk from google is really exciting. Local Guides all around contributing great content to Google Maps and helping loads of people. Thanks to google for appreciating our contribution by giving us awesome perks and continues support.
It has been indeed a great feel to get associated with Google for noble cause
Being local guide is more of a cause where we just make the wold more accessible to the people with our contribution. Personally I have been. Using Google and maps very extensively and very happy user as well.
I just have one question, I did received a mail regarding one perk but went in noticed and the timeline to claim the same for expired. I would suggest if there can be any option for genuine contributors to have some reactivation possibility.
Dear AriMar
Thanks for update
Well @AriMar Brief information about local guide perk nice post we learnt a lot…Thank you for sharing with us…
Thank you for sharing the update information about perk @AriMar
Thanks @AriMar from sharing more details about perks.
Thanks For Sharing Information From PUNJAB INDIA @AriMar
Yo tengo activas las notificaciones por correo pero no he recibido ningún correo indicando que seré beneficiario de ningún tipo de ventaja o regalo. ¿Será que solo lo reciben algunos? Por lo que he leido aquí se supone que deberiamos todos recibir el correo, o ¿No es así?
Los aportes que hago, son sin ningún tipo de interés pero si nos quieren agradar con algún tipos de regalo o ventaja si me gustaría recibirlo.
La ventaja o beneficio que me gustaría recibir es aumentar la cuota de 15 GB gratis del correo de Gmail.
José Atizol
Thank you for your good news @AriMar
I have consulted in Connect Tokyo that all gifts would be good for guide experience and educational opportunities. How wonderful we can have various learning and experiences about it free of charge:woman_teacher:. I posted the idea.
Thanks for the update information and true gifts and identity card will boost local guide and accelerate the process.
@AriMar Wow, It’s good idea Thanks
Perks are important to boost efficiency and efficacy.It energise confidence and self-respect and dignity.Identity card has exception if provided right from level-8 .
@AriMar Thanks for this update with all answers.
Thanks @AriMar for this valuable information.