Thank you for you a local guide .Because you're my best achievement

Hermoso post @Nyainurjanah ! Siempre tan cálida en tus palabras.

Yo también recuerdo siempre el intercambio de cartas y presentes que tuvimos en esa oportunidad y valoro mucho la carta que me llegó con la insignia de Reseñador.

Igual que tú, creo que lo mejor del programa son los nuevos amigos.

Gracias por traer al recuerdo esos momentos.

Mí afectuoso saludo!!



Awww big hugggg to you . We’re far away but stay keep in touch with person like you is sweetness memories.

Stay safe and stay connected.

From Sukabumi Indonesia with love to Argentina local guides


Hi @Nyainurjanah Long time no see! How have you been? I hope you are staying safe from COVID-19. I am so happy for your achievements on Connect.

We are having a #loveofcountry challenge on Connect and would love for you to share your country.


I joined Connect today and have been contributing to Google maps from the last 2 years. So happy to see this post and your growth! Hoping for making a lot of new friends here :slightly_smiling_face: Let us help each other grow! Lots of love from a small town girl in India :slightly_smiling_face:


@Nyainurjanah Thanks for taking part in the challenge! Sorry I’m so late to reply. It’s been a crazy busy time! But I’m so glad to finally read this as it’s such a wonderful post that showcased the wonderful people that are part of this amazing community, folks who would go out of their way to send happiness to others! Thanks again! :blush:


Hi @user_not_found I’m fine doing great hope you too ,it’s busy time even stay against with COVID-19 . Stay safe for you too there.

Sure I’ll join but little bit delay :blush: . Thanks for great initiative .

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Hey @orpiiita

I’m very glad to connect you here girl .Of course I can’t wait hear more stories about your journey as local guides .

Hope you more enjoy and lot of fun as role of local guides. Have you connected with fellow India local guides ?

Let me tag one of my best local guides from Kolkata @PritishB , he is very warm person and also one of guiding stars last year .

Thanks so much

Greetings from Sukabumi Indonesia


Hey @AdrianLunsong

No worries for delay reply .And finally welcome back home to Malaysia abang .

Enjoy your new role of life and stay safe .


Thank you so much @Nyainurjanah for mentioning me here.

Dear @orpiiita glad to come in contact with you. There is a Local Guides Community in West Bengal. Click here to know more. We will be very much happy to have you with us.

And Local Guiding program has given me a global family, you have already seen that @Nyainurjanah from Indonesia is mentioning @PritishB from Kolkata. This is the beauty of the Local Guiding program.

Stay safe and happy.

Waiting for more from all of you.



can I know how to join this connect?


That’s wonderful! Thanks :blush: :two_hearts:

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Bagaimana caranya biar dapat gituan kak

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That’s lovely, getting a delivered gift. Very thoughtful

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Hello @lixtourism ini komen tak terbaca,nanti bisa tambah tanda @ trus nyainurjanah ya supaya ada notifikasi.

Sebenarnya ini kebaikan teman teman local guides saja saking senangnya terhubung dengan sesama local guides dari seluruh dunia,jadi ya seru seruan bikin aksesoris local guides trus dibagi bagi deh.Nah kakak dari mana hayo di tempatku masih ada beberapa pin local guides kalau mau dan lagi mampir ke Sukabumi berkabar ya !

Terima kasih

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That’s gift generous fellow local guides ever.not about price gift @steview

Show lovely support as local guide.

I’m sorry by the way very delay reply, missing your comment in the future please tag me use sign @ and my username Nyainurjanah.

Thanks so much

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@Nyainurjanah hehehe jauh kak

Aku sendiri dari Brebes.

Nanti kalo ada kesempatan pasti mampir

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Nah sekarang ketahuan ada bala komen kalau pakai tag @lixtourism

Wah Brebes kota bawang itu ya jauh sekali kak,komunitas local guides dari Jawa bagian timur ya masih sekitar malang,Magelang Probolinggo githu kak,seru saja terhubung local guides se Indonesia

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@Nyainurjanah iya kak.

Kapan kapan mampir sini kita ngopi bareng hehehe

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Semoga ya ada kesempatan @lixtourism siapa tahu kan bisa berkunjung ke kota Brebes keliling keliling.Aminn

Dan pastinya semoga perjalanan aman tanpa covid.