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Our own photos on lists places.📸🖼️

When I create lists, I'd like to have pictures of my own on the cover of each place I add on these lists.

If I have visited the place and I have took photos I would like to show then on the cover of each place of my list.


Having said that, it would very useful to have our own pictures as the first option to choose when we edit the lists.

Now we have to look for our photos between hundreds of them and even more maybe we can't find them.




Just that, hope you understand the idea, any questions will be welcome.



Connect Moderator

Times ago I was thinking about to write exactly this idea, @SebaasC , then for some reason I forgot to do it, so I am very happy to support yours.

It is painful to scroll down a lot of photos just to find yours, so an option to select your photos first would be very welcome 

Level 9

Yes. It looks like quite fun to do. I vote.

Level 9

Totalmente de acuerdo @SebaasC @! Ojalá se pueda tener ésta posibilidad, ya que hay lugares donde se complica bastante encontrar la foto que nosotros hicimos del lugar

Level 9

Hi Ermes, the fact is that when I use google maps, and I sail into Connect, happens to me that some ideas come to my mind, but If I don´t write or register this thoughts in any place them I forgot then. The right action would be to write the post instantly , but sometimes is not possible.

Thanks for your support!


Level 9

Thanks @iorikun301 for your vote.

I´m curious, why you find funny the idea?


Level 9

Hola Mauge!

Si, si justamente por eso publico esto.


Cuando revisamos nuestras listas o creamos nuevas listas, a mi por lo menos se me hace muy dificil encontrar mis propias fotos. Y la verdad es que si la foto es buena me gusta que se muestre la mia en la portada.





Level 9

Hi, @SebaasC 

I wrote that your idea is "...quite fun to do." Not funny.


fun: amusing, delightful, enjoyable, entertaining, pleasurable


funny: comical, humorous, laughable, hilarious (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus)


In Indonesian: Menyenangkan.


But maybe I wrote it wrong. Sori.

Level 9

¡Genial @SebaasC esta bueno para mantener tambien lo visual pars recordar y representar la lista🙌🏼!


Germán Menichetti                                                                                                                                                                                   Un poco de todo

Instagram: mc_germi                                                                                                                                                                        Maps: Germán Menichetti         


Level 9

@iorikun301  there is nothing wrong if you find the idea funny. I'm only asking why. 


I think the richiest part of this board is to discuss with the community different opinions about an idea.


Sorry if I had offense you with my question, it wasn't my intention.





Level 9

Gracias por el apoyo German!

Espero que está idea se pueda llevar a cabo!



