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Level 10

Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Given the allure of the Islands, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't dreamed of visiting Hawaii. I'm fortunate to have family living on O'ahu, so I visit more frequently than a desert dweller like me deserves. Let's take a little trip around the Island of O'ahu and pick up some fun ideas for a visit & some trivia for an Aloha-themed #bardchallenge. Shall we?


Honolulu, on the South Shore, is the capital of Hawaii. Most visitors land in Honolulu at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, named after Hawaii's first United States House Representative. Honolulu is home to Waikiki, with rows of sky-high hotels, shopping, restaurants, and the appropriately named Waikiki Brewing Company.


Caption: Entry to the Waikiki Brewing Co. patio bar by JustJakeCaption: Entry to the Waikiki Brewing Co. patio bar by JustJake



Honolulu is also is where you’ll find the Pearl Harbor National Memorial, home to the USS Arizona, which has sit on the ocean floor since 1941. Over 4,000 people per day come to visit the museum and memorial at Pearl Harbor!


Head on over to the East Side and check out Kualoa Ranch. You should immediately recognize the place since more than 70 movies and TV shows have been shot there. Movies like Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, King Kong, Godzilla, Mighty Joe Young, and 50 First Dates & TV shows Lost, Magnum P.I. and Hawaii Five-O were all filmed on the Ranch. You can take a guided tour by vehicle, horse, bicycle, or elect to zip-line over the top of the Ranch! Just beware; some Jurassic Park dinosaurs might still lurk around.


Caption: A dinosaur preparing to devour the JustJake familyCaption: A dinosaur preparing to devour the JustJake family



On the South Eastern edge is Koko Crater Botanical Garden, one of the most unique gardens in the world … it’s in the crater of a 50,000-year-old volcano! Walk along the nicely packed dirt paths of this 200-acre garden and find palms and plants native to the island and from Africa, Madagascar, and the Americas.


Caption: The trailhead and trail map at Koko Crater Botanical GardenCaption: The trailhead and trail map at Koko Crater Botanical Garden


Head inland and North to get a taste of the Island Life at Ko Hana Distillers. The Agricole rum made at Ko Hana is from fresh sugarcane grown on the property. And, while the sugarcane must be processed while fresh, it takes two years of barrel aging the Rum before anyone can taste it. Thanks to the special Koa wood barrels used in the aging process, these rums have a magnificent red hue.


Caption: a collage of images from Ko Hana Distillers by JustJakeCaption: a collage of images from Ko Hana Distillers by JustJake



A little further North and you can find the Waimea Falls tucked deep in the Waimea Valley. The falls are named for the reddish water that pool below. The water gets the red color from the high levels of iron oxide in the Hawaiian soil. The Natives believed these waters contained healing properties and would visit the red pools to bathe the sick. The surrounding valley is filled with lush vegetation and an amazing assortment of flowers and palms.


Caption: Collage of images from Waimea Falls by JustJakeCaption: Collage of images from Waimea Falls by JustJake


OK, I think you’ve earned yourself a nice beach day after taking that adventure! But we’re not quite done. Just to make sure Gemini (Bard) can find enough tidbits to stump the #BardTrivia gang, lets throw in some random facts about Oahu, shall we?


  • The island's first documented European landing occurred in 1779 by Captain Charles Clerke
  • Oahu’s Iolani Palace is the only official royal palace in the United States.
  • Duke Kahanamoku, the "Father of Modern Surfing," was born on Oahu.
  • US President Barak Obama was born in Honolulu and lived there during parts of his childhood
  • O’ahu is the 3rd largest Hawaiian island at around 597 square miles in size
  • Oahu has a very large population of feral chickens that can be found roaming all over the island
  • The official bird of Honolulu is the manu-o-Kū, or white tern (not the chicken)
  • The North Shore of Oahu is known for it’s big waves. In 2023, Australian surfer Laura Enever paddled into a massive 43.8-foot wave, the largest recorded for a female surfer.
  • Daniel K. Inouye International Airport handles over 21 million travelers per year


Thank you for reading. Have you visited the Hawaiian Islands? Any rad memories or photos to share? 


JustJake TRAC Badge
Honolulu, HI, USA
Level 10

Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Calling all #statechallenge & #bardchallenge Trivia Fans! Here's your study guide 🙂 I'm ready for Gemini to do its thing, @Denise_Barlock@jayasimha78

JustJake TRAC Badge
Level 9

Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Amazing  post @JustJake  and thank for sharing this post, I am happy to see that 70 Movie   clipped Here what I like that jurassic park or king Kong  movie also impresive. When I zoom it on map location it is  an island 🏝    , I never visited island I hope to visit  here. 

Can you explain me what is #bardchallenge

Satyameva Jayate सत्यमेव जयते
Level 9

Betreff: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge


Nur beste Erinnerungen an die traumhafte Insel Oahu.

Da wir so riesige, hohe Hotels nicht mögen haben wir das kleinere rosa Hotel bewohnt und waren damit sehr zufrieden.

Pearl Harbor besucht und verschiedene Touristenattraktionen sowie eine U-Boot Tauchfahrt unternommen..

Stadt und Strand zu Fuß erkundet.

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Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Jumping in before my head crazily overflows with numbers @JustJake. The photos beautifully help tell the story Jake and I especially love the fun to be had out Kualoa Ranch way. Bard did a great job with the facts about Oahu, The only one I knew about was Laura Enever's amazing surfing feet.. 

Leaderboards of Top 100 Local Guides from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 10

Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Thank you very much for checking out my post @RaviSharma111. That little island in the middle of the vast ocean looks just as small from the plane. I'm always a little scared the pilot will miss the islands and fly right past 😂. It blows my mind that people on boats were able to find it in the first place. 


The Bard Challenge (previously the State/World Challenge) is a monthly trivia game hosted by Guiding Stars @Denise_Barlock and @jayasimha78. The monthly host will create a post and ask Bard/Gemini to create trivia questions for players to answer. There's a great description here in Jay's "Meetup Champion" feature. It's a lot of fun; keep an eye out for Jay to post the details, and come join us!

JustJake TRAC Badge
Level 10

Betreff: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

@Annaelisa Thank you for checking out my post. I agree with you on the huge hotels. They're far too busy for us. We're fortunate to be able to stay with or close to family when we go. I believe you're talking about the Royal Hawaiian, which is a beautiful property with an amazing beach.


I've yet to go on a submarine trip. I bet it was incredible. Glad I could stir up some good memories! 

JustJake TRAC Badge
Level 10

Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

I knew you'd like the Aussie reference I dropped in there @AdamGT. What an incredible woman. Those waves are frightening, and watching the videos of people charging into them is just crazy. I'm surprised your name didn't pop up in the big wave riders 😁. My record is 4 inches when I tried to do a little boogie boarding.

JustJake TRAC Badge
Level 8

Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Nice family blog dear @JustJake seems you have quality time spent with family  Honolulu , thanks dear sharing the wonderful knowledge BTW i always like ranch tour & one of the My favourite American TV series Yellowstone Dutton ranch so my favourite  Kualoa Ranch. 




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Re: Highlights of O'ahu #bardchallenge

Wuhuuu… what a beautiful place to visit @JustJake .. I haven’t got a chance to visit it although we were thinking of coming here when we lived in NYC. But it was quite far 😇😇.


I hope I’ll visit Pearl Harbour museum one day and get a chance to swim and snorkel here. Many great diving site here as well?