A Local Guide on a mission: mapping gluten-free places

May is Celiac Awareness Month. Celiac disease is a genetic condition where consuming gluten can cause serious damage to the body. But gluten can create discomfort even when a person doesn’t have celiac disease. And since it’s part of widely used grains, such as wheat, rye, barley, and some oats, it can be hard for those with gluten sensitivity to find a safe place to eat.

That’s why Local Guide Rosana Belló ( @rosanabtl ) has made it her mission to guide others to restaurants and shops that meet their dietary needs. As a person with gluten intolerance herself, she understands the power of adding information about gluten-free options on Google Maps and raising awareness among business owners.

Rosana started her Local Guides journey with the idea of putting her city, Pindamonhangaba, SP, Brazil, on the map. But since she joined Connect, she has discovered more ways to help others by including details about accessibility, sustainability, and more, in her reviews. She adds her personal touch by promoting food safety while highlighting local businesses because she believes that everyone has the right to a social and inclusive life.

“Every time I go to a restaurant, cafe, or any place that sells food, I post a review about it and mention whether they have gluten-free options. I take photos or videos of the products so that people can have a visual reference,” Rosana shares. “It is also very important to highlight if the food is cross-contaminated. This happens when traces of gluten come into contact with foods, utensils, or surfaces that do not originally contain it, making the dish unsuitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.”

Whenever she visits somewhere new, Rosana searches on Google Maps for places that offer gluten-free products and reads reviews. Her own favorite review is of an Italian restaurant in Malta, which she tried on a recent trip. “When I said that I was gluten intolerant, the waiter advised which dishes I could order and why I couldn’t order others, as sometimes even the salad had gluten in the sauce. They made a bruschetta and gluten-free pasta for me. It was a wonderful experience, sitting at a table with friends in a pleasant atmosphere, enjoying a delicious meal safely,” she recalls.

But moments like these aren’t that common as many establishments are still not adapted to welcome people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance. In addition to the physical issues that these conditions cause, Rosana says that “fear of contamination, insecurity when traveling, social exclusion, and misunderstanding from other people can create emotional and social challenges.”

So can Local Guides help make places with gluten-free options more visible on Google Maps for those who need them?

Certainly. One way is to provide details under the “Dietary restrictions” tag, which may pop up when writing a restaurant review. Whether you’re visiting an eatery or a supermarket, Rosana also recommends including a few lines in your review to mention:

  • If the menu has clear indications about which items are gluten-free, using symbols or specific language.
  • If there is a dedicated shelf or section with gluten-free products for sale.

Thank you, Rosana, for all you do! Local Guides, do you share information about places offering gluten-free alternatives on Google Maps? Let us know below.


@DeniGu Thanks for introducing the mission of a Local Guide to inspiring Local Guides community!

She is doing really appreciated.

@rosanabtl congratulations on getting featured on connect!

Keep doing great!

Happy Guiding!


Knowledge is power, I’m glad there are Guides like Rosana who are therefore empowering anyone using Google Maps with the knowledge of gluten free places and their details!

I went on a Gluten free diet for a couple of years as part of a medically advised elimination test, so I can personally relate to the struggle of sussing out Gluten free spots despite the constant and ubiquitous lack of information. For the longest time, I thought about cross contamination, the Gluten free tax, not being taken seriously, and the general lack of transparency with food ingredients. It’s like navigating a food mine field.

Even with all these hurdles, let’s keep it up by following Rosana’s example and mention places that support gluten free eating and products; these are the small kind gestures that let others know that they are not alone on this food journey!


Nice initiative dear @rosanabtl ,i also contribute about gelatin free place on Google map review. In section Answer & Q/A


Hello @DeniGu

Thank you for these recognitions and highlighting these very special local guides here on connect.

Congratulations @rosanabtl for getting featured here on connect. There are lots of opportunities to get recognised and contribute immensely on Google maps.

Keep up the good work and keep contributing.

Happy guiding



@rosanabtl Congratulations on being featured, many Local Guides use the wheelchair emoji to highlight accessibility features in places do you use any emoji fror dietary restrictions? I have seen some Local Guides sharing reviews containing celiac info like @SebaasC , he uses :ear_of_rice: :no_entry: .

I have added menu photos where this info is visible but sometimes you have to ask for a separate menu

@DeniGu Thanks for sharing Rosana’s experience with Maps

Wouldn’t it be great to add “Gluten-free” attribute in the About tab ?


That looks like a very valuable and interesting contribution… Highly appreciate your reports and dedication, dear LG friend @rosanabtl .

As you may know, we are from a country (India ) where maximum population consumes wheat as the primary food… Luckily, so far Gluten has not precipitated as a serious problem socially - of course, even I have gluten sensitivity if consumed in large quantity.

And a large part of the population also consumes rise - especially in South India. It is most common to find Gluten free food/dishes in almost all restaurants - whether it is a vegetarian or non vegetarian restaurant.

Thank you Googler friend @DeniGu for featuring Rosana and emphasizing the hazards of Gluten.

Regards with greetings from Bangalore, India.

:pray: :heart:


This was insightful @DeniGu

I never knew gluten-free food was important to many until now.

The next time I am at a food joint, hotel, or restaurant, I will make sure to ask about it, and also include the information to Google Maps.

Congratulations on featuring @rosanabtl and greatly appreciate your contribution to Google Maps :+1:


Hello @rosanabtl so now I know what you’ve been up to. Well done you and I’m absolutely certain that your guiding work would win a lot of friends in many places around the world. Congratulations on the feature.


Congratulations @rosanabtl on being featured. What you are doing is undoubtedly an impressive work. A lot of people around us are suffering from Celiac disease, that should not stop them from tasting the wonderful food around us. Some restaurants or eateries mention a lit of gluten free dishes in their menu, but many don’t. If someone is allergic to gluten, it’s always good to know the places around us who serve gluten free food, or for shopping gluten free items it’s important to know where exactly to go. Thank you Rosana, for being a hero.

Thank you, @DeniGu for this recognition and sharing the story.


Great to know about your passion @rosanabtl :pray:

You are doing such an impressive work. Keep inspiring :woman_singer:


Ulala! Agradeço muito @DeniGu por colocar em destaque um assunto que afeta muitas pessoas. Me sinto honrada e feliz por incentivar outros Guias Locais a identificarem locais que venda produtos glúten free.

Meu abraço e gratidão :smiling_face: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: .


Agradeço @ShafiulB pelas palavras de incentivo :smiling_face:.

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Agradeço @Nessue por suas palavras de compreensão. Realmente não é muito fácil e ainda falta muita informação. Um abraço :hugs:

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Agradeço @ShailendraOjha por ser mais um na nossa missão :smiley: :slightly_smiling_face:


Agradeço @SholaIB por suas palavras de incentivo. Abraço :hugs:


Agradeço @LaloPadilla por suas palavras. Gostei muito da dica do emoji . Minhas saudades de saúde e paz :smiling_face:


Agradeço @TravellerG por me informar que é possível encontrar locais que tem refeições glúten free na Índia.

Minhas saudades de felicidade e paz. :hugs: Um abraço


Agradeço @TusharSuradkar . Sim, essas informações são muito importantes. Fico feliz por contribuir informando os locais que vendem produtos sem glúten.

Minhas saudações de felicidade e paz. Um abraço :hugs:


@AdamGT eu que agradeço pela oportunidade de dar destaque para um assunto que considero muito importante. Minhas saudações de felicidade e um grande abraço :hugs: