🎉 ¡Alcancé el Nivel 8 en Google Local Guides! 🎉

Estoy muy feliz de compartir que he llegado al Nivel 8 con 15,554 puntos en Google Local Guides. :rocket:

:pushpin: Resumen de mis contribuciones en enero:
:white_check_mark: 312 contribuciones (+25 respecto al mes pasado)
:star: 1,391 puntos ganados (+426 respecto al mes pasado)
:eyes: 472,267 vistas nuevas en mis reseñas y fotos

Agradezco a toda la comunidad por la inspiración y motivación para seguir compartiendo información útil en Google Maps. :earth_africa::blue_heart:

Si aún no eres parte de Local Guides, ¡te animo a unirte y mejorar la experiencia de todos en Google Maps! ¿Cuál ha sido tu mayor logro reciente en la plataforma? :camera_flash::writing_hand::mag:

#LocalGuides #Nivel8 #GoogleMaps #Contribuciones #Celebración


Congratulations @jbarki .
Welcome to Connect.

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch :tada: @jbarki

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Welcome to the Local Guides community and congratulations!

Here, you’ll find a supportive and friendly environment where you can connect with fellow explorers, share your experiences, and learn from each other.

To help you get started, please take a moment to read these helpful articles:

Feel free to share a bit about yourself and get to know other fellows in Connect. You can visit our monthly section where I’m going to merge your post.

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Congratulations @jbarki and welcome to Connect

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Congratulations @jbarki

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@jbarki welcome to connect. Congratulations :tada::tada: for your achievements. Wish you all the best for coming days.

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There are a lot of similar photos on your profile. This may cause you problems. Do not add the same photo to your comment as much as possible. If similar photos in your comment are complained about, the photo will be considered spam.

Thank you for your feedback, but I believe that sharing multiple photos helps people get a better understanding of the different aspects of each location. I do not consider this to be spam.