All edits are blocked this morning

Hi @AngieYC

This morning I can not suggest any edits using the Android App and on Desktop. I also logged in using another Google account and the results were the same. So I’m pretty sure the problem is not limited to my account.

Normal edits: The Send button is grey

Remove edits: Nothing happens when tap/click on a reason.

My region is Europe and Country is Denmark.

All the best



Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks for flagging! We will share this to the relevant team and get back to you when we hear back from them.


Facing same issue since morning.

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Hello @MortenCopenhagen

I am wondering if it’s a general thing. I am more on mobile than desktop and I have tired from 2 different mobiles to edit and it’s not working. You may have a valid point at hand. Thanks for raising the issue.


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Yes @MortenCopenhagen Same issue here.

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Since this morning, 05/May/2022 I can no longer suggest changes: the following message is displayed : does not allow the connection.

I tried various things, connection-disconnection, etc… nothing allows me to re-establish the connection.

Can you help me ???

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Depuis ce matin, 05/mai/2022 je ne peux plus suggérer des modifications : le message suivant s’affiche : n’autorise pas la connexion.

J’ai essayer diverses choses, connexion-déconnexion, etc… rien ne me permet de rétablir la connexion.

Pouvez-vous m’aider ???

Hi @AngieYC

I’m now in Sweden and the problem serms to have been solved.




Problem still be present on Desktop in Italy, @MortenCopenhagen , @AngieYC

Thanks Morten for raising the issue


@ErmesT and @AngieYC

I only tested on Mobile, so please don’t stop the investigation.



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

The investigation is still ongoing and we will update everyone accordingly. Thank you!


Hi @MortenCopenhagen

It was lifted there for a moment and I was able to add a place but it gone off again. I am in Nigeria, West Africa and on mobile.


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Thanks for the head up, @PaulPerucaud

The issue has been reported to the team here, and they are working on it.

I am merging your post in there, so for you to be updated about the end of the issue, that for some device seems to be fixed already

Bonjour @PaulPerucaud

Comment allez vous? Merci d’avoir demander ici. Il y a eu un poste déjà à-propos de cela et c’est ici donc votre article a été amener ici aussi pour organiser connect. Je crois que l’équipe de Google sont entrain de travailler sur cela. J’ai eu le même problème. Mais je crois que c’est réglé ce soir de mon côté maintenant vous pouvez essayer encore et voir ? Merci de votre compréhension.

انا ايضا تم حذف جميع الاماكن اللي قمت باضفتها

تم حذف جميع الاماكن اللي قمت باضفتها الاماكن موجوده بالفعل وتم التأكيدها وحصلت علي مشاهدات وصور من اشخاص اخرين
تم حذفها جميعا بلا استثناء لا اعرف سبب هذا كما انني لا يمكنني اضافه اي مكان اخر يتم الرفد فورا وقمت باضافه مكان جديد وتمت الموافقه عليه ولكن تم اخفائه فورا اريد ان افهم هل هي مشكله عامه ام انها مشكله خاصه بالحساب لدي

Hi @Ma7mmoud

I replied to you on this in the other thread you made on the same topic. I doubt it is related to the issue in this thread.



@MortenCopenhagen Issue seems sorted out.

I was worried at first, thinking I was banned/kicked out from LG, until I saw this thread :joy:

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Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your patience! This issue has been resolved and the “Suggest an Edit” feature should be working as normal now.