An Interview with TRAC members

Hey everyone!

I had a great time this week having a chat/interview with @SholaIB , @MarcoDavoli and @PrasadVR for my unofficial YouTube channel (Go Loco Guides) where we got to talk about TRAC (Thousand Roads Added Campaign), their contributions and achievements, the upcoming campaign starting on March 1st and their excitement for 2025! :sunglasses:

Do catch the video below:

And if you want to know more about the upcoming campaign, please do check out this post and sign up as soon as possible! It’s also my first time joining in and taking part in TRAC so I’m super excited! :smiling_face: I’ve never edited or added a road on Google Maps before (I know!!) so I’ve always had a huge zero on my contribution stats but guess what!?! I just had a couple of edits approved so I’m super pleased!! :tada:

My stats still show zero but hopefully that’ll get refreshed soon!! In a way, I’m kinda sad to see that zero going but here’s to bigger and better things… and it’s all done to the amazing TRAC team members who have been super helpful in explaining things to me and guiding me in adding roads!!

Huge kudos to @Lukas_B for sharing a location on Maps where I could start editing/adding roads! I didn’t realise just how much it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack when it comes to finding new roads that haven’t been added to Maps yet!!

Anyway, thanks for checking out this post… please do read the post about TRAC, ask your questions below in the comments section and reach out to the TRAC members if you need guidance and support! They truly embody the community spirit of Local Guides! :fire:


Side note: There is a virtual meet-up this weekend from the TRAC folks! Do check it out and RSVP if you can attend! :oncoming_automobile: :motorway: :birthday:


Sad did you say @AdrianLunsong

Hahaha poor you maybe you’re always sad to be happy. It works that way for some people.

Thank you for having us. Good to have a serious chat with you for once. I never thought you could be that serious.

Thank you @MarcoDavoli and @PrasadVR .

See you all down the road soon !!!

Happy guiding


Herzlichen Glückwunsch dazu :sparkler: und viel Erfolg bei der Suche nach Straßen die fehlen :wink: @AdrianLunsong


The video is excellent. Thank you Connect Moderator @AdrianLunsong for your hard work and for taking the time to create it.

Thank you Connect Moderator @SholaIB for the invitation.

Thank you Ciao @MarcoDavoli, @Lukas_B for your support.

I would also like to thank you, my Local Guide friends Connect Moderator @NareshDarji , @JustJake , @TravellerG , @Kumaarsantosh , @LovePathak28, @ShailendraOjha, @TerryPG , @Rednewt74, @tony_b and TRAC members for their support and motivation in adding roads.


Two moderators and two local guides on YouTube Nice interview session, Funtastic initiative Connect moderator @AdrianLunsong, hey @PrasadVR ji now you are a media personality :laughing:, looks like this session will be fun.
Thank you very much @PrasadVR ji for tag.:handshake:


A wonderful interview @AdrianLunsong . I can’t wait for the virtual meetup :grin:


Thanks @AdrianLunsong for the video and special thanks to our leaders @SholaIB @MarcoDavoli and @PrasadVR See you on Saturday.


Enjoyed the interview while roading :smiley:


@AdrianLunsong …am also new to TRAC and adding roads… It’s a great interview you had … :star_struck:


Congratulations and best wishes @PrasadVR.


@Kumaarsantosh if you were there then the wanderer gossip would have been more fun.:laughing: (don’t mind dear)


Thanks dear well wisher @ShailendraOjha. It was a well designed interview full of experiential sharing. Thanks for your kindness though.


You are most welcome, dear friend @PrasadVR
The video has come out very nice…:handshake::gift_heart::+1:


Congratulations to the team! I have also joined TRAC this time and will start from beginning under the guidance and leadership of trio.

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Wonderful video, Adrian. I enjoyed that very inspirational interview between @SholaIB @MarcoDavoli and @PrasadVR

Now we welcome you to TRAC 2025. A year ago I was just like you, looking at the only remaining zero in my profile and wondering how this thing works. I see your 0 has become a 2 now. I was at 4 on the official start date of TRAC 2024. After the campaign ended, I continued adding roads in small quantities throughout the year, and that quickly propelled me through the remaining half of Level 8 and now I’m almost halfway through Level 9. I previously thought Level 10 was an impossible goal.

My style is like Prasad. I do some of everything on Google Maps - Photos, Reviews, Videos, Captions, Edits, Roads, and Answers. But I know that every approved road is 15 points (triple the value of every photo). My goal is to do something on Google Maps every day, it doesn’t matter which thing it is.

Sholal is correct about the sporadic nature of approvals at the moment. I’ve only had approvals on three days this month. Yesterday was for 20 roads (I know that’s small Marco), and that added 300 points to my total. Some of my February work will likely be among the first approvals in March after the campaign starts. Conversely, some of what we do during the final weeks of the campaign won’t be approved until days or weeks after the official end date.


Congrats, @Annaelisa. I see you’re just over the Level 10 threshold now. When did that happen? It looks like your 106 roads helped you there, as that’s 1,590 points. Keep it up, and we hope you’re TRAC-ing next month.


Vielen Dank @tony_b im Januar habe ich Level 10 gefeiert, ich dachte in diesem Jahr werde ich Level 10 erreichen, aber das erreichen im Januar hatte mich erstmal selbst überrascht.:+1::blush:

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@Annaelisa It’s so hard to find missing streets!!! :exploding_head:

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@SarathUpendran We can ‘suffer’ together! :rofl: But don’t worry, I offer a very low bar that anybody can outperform!