When you write a review on Google Maps, a lot happens behind the scenes to ensure that what is shared is reliable and adheres to the Maps content policies. With more than 1 billion people turning to Google Maps every month to navigate and explore, we want to make sure the information they see — especially reviews — is reliable and helpful for everyone.
Our content moderation consists of trained machine intelligence and humans. You can learn more in The Keyword article “How reviews on Google Maps work.” We’re constantly improving our moderation system to keep policy-violating content off the map. However, that comes with certain challenges.
In the last few weeks, our protections took down more than expected policy abiding reviews from a set of Local Guides. We’ve also closely followed the conversations on Connect around unpublished reviews and we acknowledge that this change has affected a lot of your accounts.
As part of our efforts to resolve this situation, we have launched an update to our protections to fix them. We will also automatically reinstate the policy abiding reviews over the next few weeks if we determine that we made a mistake. If your policy abiding reviews were not reinstated and you’d like us to take a look, please submit a request through this form. Please keep in mind that some reviews may remain private if the content violates our policies.
In the meantime, please continue to share reviews as usual. Whether positive or negative, as long as they describe your genuine experiences respectfully and in your own words, they have their place on the map. Your ongoing contributions bring value to everyone while helping us improve Google Maps.
En mi perfil de Maps, tengo 890 reseñas creadas, en su mayoría con fotografías. Sin embargo, el perfil público sólo muestra 143, aunque sí todas las fotografías. Las opiniones son creadas por mi y las fotografías de igual forma tomadas por mi. Tengo mi local guide nivel 9, ya que sí me cuentan todas las reseñas, pero no tiene sentido si no se muestran. En su mayoría mis reseñas son de apoyo al lugar. Gracias.
Thanks @Rodrigo_P@for sharing this informative post. I always face problem with my unpublished review
Its better if their is any transparency to know which of my review got private or any fix place where we can submit our Id for verification of unpublished review
It’s right about that time someone addressed this. Thanks for sharing the updates. @Rodrigo_P
So, I went to check and saw that; many of the reviews have been reinstated, infact, the latest is from 4 weeks ago because I stopped writing reviews when I noticed the glitch because everyone kept liking a particular review, I had to go check using another account and saw that was the last review being shown.
I would like to ask something I did not quite get from your writeup; “Does it take a one-month period for reviews to appear now or are there some backlog that is being dealt with?”
I am asking because; before the glitch was fixed and the reviews appeared, the last review being shown on my profile was from 5 months ago. Only the reviews from 2 weeks ago are not up yet, only 5 reviews are missing now, If I am checking correctly from the reviews counter.
The earlier we get these answers, the quicker we can return to writing reviews, I have hundreds of reviews to share!
Hi @Rodrigo_P This was very nice. Because there have been many threads about it recently. Also, I have to say that there is a great team that takes what is written here seriously. I have to thank all of them.
Hi @Rodrigo_P , Thanks for disclose this issue. Many of local guides facing this problem. Even many of my reviews were hidden. Which is now visible. Hope everyone’s problem will be resolved soon.
Thank you @Rodrigo_P . This is another learning curve for me personally as I endeavor to be a signpost to our neighbors, friends, and global community. Indeed improvements should be made, especially by new Local Guides like me to post reviews that are ‘reliable and helpful.’
Hallo @Rodrigo_P , herzlichen Dank für deine umfangreichen und informativen Ausführungen!
Gut zu wissen, denn auch ich bin Betroffene was Rezensionen betrifft. Meine werden momentan gar nicht veröffentlicht. Bis auf eine vor einer Woche. Mal sehen wie das weiter geht.
Although not very timely, a very much needed update. Thank you @Rodrigo_P Your efforts are certainly appreciated.
I had stopped writing reviews for an entire month, because the filters blocked the last 27 reviews I’d updated or written. Your community of dedicated volunteers deserves communication throughout the process, I hope this will be discussed for the future.
I noticed that I could update mine last week and that they were once again public, looking forward to sharing my reviews again!