Celebrate Ice Cream Day With Me 🍨

Hy Local Guides, :icecream::ice_cream:

Today is celebrated as Ice Cream Day (December 13th). There’s another day for Ice Cream (third Sunday of July every year) which is celebrated in the US.

We all have memories of our favourite ice creams we had. If I don’t have any cold/fever, every day is ice cream day for me even though sometimes I get sugar rush. As you know, there’s a lot of varieties of ice cream and a lot of dishes which use ice cream.

Two scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream from Paragon Restaurant.

Chocolate ice cream with milkshake from Oasis ice cream parlour.

My most recent favourite Ice Cream with hot fried and baked Banana slices from Beatles Cafe & Grill House.

How to find ice cream shops in Maps

Search “ice cream shop near me” phrase in the search bar of Google Maps.

Take this as a #challenge and Share your favourite ice cream photos with Map Link. You can also share dishes which use ice cream also.


Ice cream is my weak point.
I can have it in the afternoon or evening, warm weather or cold, does not deter me.
Excellent reminder of the day dear @Rahul001 :handshake: :ice_cream:
Real Figs flavor is my favorite, but also difficult to get.
I will share my ice cream photo shortly.


Thank you Tushar for your valuable comment and looking forward of your ice cream. You are right, fig flavoured are hard to come by but I seen a ice cream shop where they mix fruit with ice cream to get flavourful taste of the fruit (seen a fig fruit in there).


Great job here.

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Wasabi ice cream is spicy, creamy, and delicious. You can try it at a famous waterfall in Shizuoka called Joren no Taki

It does not burn your nose, but you can taste the freshest wasabi. Joren is famous for growing organic wasabi using minus ion waterfall water in the nature. It is the finest wasabi I have ever had. Food-drinks


Ice cream day #challenge @Rahul001

Gadabad Ice Cream, Bhavani Coldrinks, Gadag

Sundae Ice Cream, Bhavani Coldrinks, Gadag


I am a bit surprised to see this post, that is using exactly the same cove image of the post started by @Rahul001 .
Who used the AI to generate this image? As Rahul posted first I suppose it is his cover photo. If so, kindly delete it.
I suggest you to read his post carefully, to understand how to make it relevant to Connect and the Local Guides Program, instead of just dropping a couple of photo.

I also wants to inform that, as a topic with the identical subject was already posted, I am merging this content in the already mentioned one.


Thank you Tony for your valuable comment. Wasabi ice cream, that’s unique isn’t? Most unique ice cream I had is honey flavoured!

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That Fruit jelly looks good on the ice cream Manjunath. Thanks for sharing. If you can , please re-edit to put the map link of the shop you had this ice cream!

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Thank you @ErmesT for merging the post. I didn’t understand the sentence " Who used the AI to generate the image". If you are talking about the cover image, it was made manually and edited by me, not using AI.


That’s great, thanks for the feedback, @Rahul001
I through it was AI generated, that in any case is not an issue. I was simply surprised to see your image used in another post without any note about ownership of the image and the permission of using it (e.g. image used with the permission of Rahul01). In Connect we take original content very seriously, and the use of material that is not our is strictly forbidden, @Manjunath_16 .

Regarding your challenge, I will post soon about that.

Thanks again


Reading silently, this statement surprised me too. It seems, these days “everything” is suspected to be generated by AI :laughing:
Anyway, a nice design @Rahul001 :+1:
cc @ErmesT


Thanks for this challenge, @Rahul001

I took this photo in a Cake shop in the Alps, not so far from where, according to the tradition, the Italian Gelato was invented

In ice cream I prefer to taste the individual flavors, so I don’t really like the addition of elaborate toppings that cover the flavor of the ice cream itself.
This small ice cream shop prepares its ice cream every morning in the traditional way, so the ice cream is only available in the afternoon.
Here is my review of the place: https://maps.app.goo.gl/pNHEW1YsNynvfFi78


Thank you @ErmesT for sharing this yummy :yum: ice cream images. Your reviews also good and informative on how your experiences in that shop!

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It is indeed suprising @WilfriedB . Thank you for your kind words!

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Thank you Rahul for your beautiful post on ice cream. In USA it’s celebrated 3rd Sunday of July. On
2025 will be July 19. I’m excited since ice cream is one of my favorite foods. Looking forward to meeting more of you on Local Guides Connect.


Welcome to the community @Escondido2070 . Yes you are right, in US third Sunday is celebrated as Ice cream day and have a history to it. Image you posted has nothing to do with this day. You can also re-edit by clicking a :pen: symbol next to the share button of your comment to add ice cream or related that image.


Tell me who doesn’t like ice-cream @Rahul001 . I love mudka kulfi for 2 reasons. One for the nuts in it and secondly for the pot. I have collected so many pots.

I have done origami flowers and used these pots as vases.

I know it is very childish, but I like this very much.

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@Rahul001 Hey,
Very nice pictures of such deliciously made ice creams. I too would be sharing a post on my share of ice cream days in few minutes. Do check it out. But here is one pic for you.

I made this digital art this year in March.

Hope you like it.

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There is place called Ghamandi Ice cream, they serve unique flavours of Maharashtrian Desert in ice cream flavours like Ukdiche modak, Puranpoli. And those are really flavourful.
Here is the [review](Ghamandi Icecream Google Maps)

Adding home made chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream

One more from local ice cream shop