Hy Local Guides,
Today is viewed as Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) (November 20th). This day comes after the Transgender Awareness Week which is from November 13th-19th. Check this Celebrate Transgender Awareness Week With Me post.
Well, this day is to remember and honor Transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals who have lost their lives to violence, hate crimes and discrimination. This day was established in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith to commemorate the murder of Rita Hester, a transgender woman.
I am not going through aims, supports and how Google maps helps again because it’s mostly in Celebrate Transgender Awareness Week With me. I hope you guys check it out.
If there’s any local guides in any spectrum who didn’t come out, it’s your best day to open yourself.
Check these posts ( LGBTQAI+ AND TRANSGENDER) by Googlers, Connect Moderators and fellow Local Guides.
- Get inspired to create a list of LGBTQ+ friendly places for Pride month - DeniGu
- How to help LGBTQ+ Businesses stand out - TiffanyBnyc
- 6 ways to map LGBTQ+ Friendly places for Sydney Worldwide Pride - TiffanyBnyc
- Ways to make Maps Contributions helpful to the LGBTQ+ community around us - @Globe_trotter_Ish
- The pride metro station in Delhi for the LGBTQ+ community - @TusharSuradkar
- #Cafe with books Challenge - Bambai Nazaria (Pride month) - @Pratik_89
- Sharing knowledge of Google maps to LGBTQ+ community in Karachi - Meet-up Recap - @Shaheen_Gul
- How I update the LGBTQ+ friendly Attributes to a POI - @PrasadVR
If I left out any important post, please kindly put it in the comments.
Share your thoughts and views in the comments also.