cover photo of celebrate world mental health day with me
Hy Local Guides,
Today is celebrated and viewed as World Mental Health Day (October 10th). This day is to spread awareness about mental health, reduce stigma and promote support for individuals with mental illness. Mental health is as important as your physical health. Talking about our mental health can really help our life’s ups and downs. Small talk with our family, friends, and colleagues can really make our day better.
The theme for 2024: It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace.
- Promote mental health awareness and education
- Reduce stigma and discrimination
- Support for mental health care and services
- Encourage help-seeking institutions and organizations
How to observe:
- Be a part of awareness campaigns and events.
- Share your personal stories and experiences on social media with hashtag #worldmentalhealthday
- Support mental health organizations and institutions.
How the Local Guide program helps me:
From the bottom of my heart, the local guide program has an important role in making my mental health strong. This program has made me travel and discover new places. Self-discovery of new places I visit does my mental health so well to a point where I feel calm and relaxed. I know some of you guys have experience. I need that push to travel and this program made me do so. Of Course, local guide connect has also played a part in resharing that experience through my eyes. This is the 12th part of the “Celebrate*…With Me*” section and sharing with you guys every special day has made my day good. I thank every local guide who has been part of my travels and inspiring to do so.
Comment down here what drives you for a better morning and how it changes your mental health.
@TusharSuradkar @TravellerG @AjitThite @PrasadVR @Gurukrishnapriya