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Yesterday was celebrated as World Ocean Day [ June 8th ] world wide. First World Ocean Day was in 1992 and its objective was to strengthen the voice of ocean and coastal constituencies worldwide. Ocean covers 70% of our planet. And produces 50% of the planet’s oxygen with the other half being our forest. Algae found in our ocean are responsible for the production of most of the oxygen we need. Ocean consists of most biodiversity found around us and it feeds more than a billion people around the world. It also serves an important role of employing 40 million people in ocean-based industries by 2030. Ocean also absorbs 30% carbon dioxide which buffers the impact of global warming.
“Awaken new Depths” is the theme for the World Ocean Day 2024. It reminds everyone of the major role, ocean has in our daily life.
Why ocean is important
wild molluscs found in Poovar beach
World’s oceans regulate earth’s temperature, current and life which sustains earth habitable for humankind. It is also a food source such as edible molluscs. Open oceans are the biggest ecosystems and still we haven’t discovered many species. Ocean also provides food for aquatic birds and reproduction for certain aquatic species like American eels which live in freshwater but spawn in sea water. Some fish species like salmon travel to freshwater to spawn. If the natural stream that connects ocean to freshwater stopped / disturbed, these species will be extinct soon.
Ocean also absorbs carbon and puts it in the form of corals, which is more helpful than making tyres.
Ocean also provides more than sea food and ingredients from the ocean are found in surprising foods such as peanut butter and soymilk.
Many medicinal products are produced from products of ocean like ingredients that help fight cancer, arthritis, heart disease, etc…
How we can restore ocean
clothes and plastics collected from the last beach cleaning during 2023th ocean day with wwf [ world wildlife fund ]
Above image is from last year’s beach cleaning during World Ocean day. Plastic is not only a problem for the ocean but also the thrown away clothes. Clothes affect marine life before they decompose/disintegrate.
If you see a cloth material/plastic in a river or stream that leads to the ocean, it is wise to remove it. Majority Clothes / plastic that are collected from beaches got there from the ocean currents. After they move away from the land, they circulate the ocean and get trapped in the area like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is 1.6 million square kilometers in surface area.
flamingos found in Puthalam, Tamil Nadu
By cleaning oceans and beaches, it also reflects in cleaning brackish waters which is the intermediate section between sea and fresh water. It also has high biome mass and helps as a feeding ground for more birds and aquatic species.
We should know about Three R’s in plastic : Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
I hope this post helps you and can contribute to the next ocean day.
Type in the comments your favorite cleaned beach/ocean in your area and upload the images if possible. If it includes images of you conducting events like beach cleaning, it would be helpful.
@TravellerG @StephenAbraham @AjitThite @TusharSuradkar @ShailendraOjha @Sagir