Celebrate World Rose Day with Me

World rose day is celebrated annually on 22th September 2024. This day is for awareness about cancer and to give love and care to cancer patients. This day was inspired by Melinda Rose who was 12 years old and fought leukemia. During her treatment, she bought joy and rose to fellow patients. This day was inaugurated in 2000 as a memory of Melinda Rose.

How can we raise awareness:

  • Create posts in social media about World Rose Day.
  • Share your thoughts about this day to your friends/families.
  • Wear rose themed shirts/accessories that show the significance of this day.

Let’s unite to make a difference, one rose at a time!

Comment down your favourite rose with an image if possible and also put down what awareness you have done on this day or in past years!

@TravellerG @NareshDarji @TusharSuradkar @Gurukrishnapriya


Mir ist dieser Hintergrund nicht bekannt aber gerne Teile ich Rosen :rose:


Wonderful challenge dear @Rahul001

I will participate shortly :handshake: :rose:


Nice bunch of Roses, dear friend @Annaelisa

:+1: :gift_heart: :100:


Lieber Freund @TravellerG ich danke dir :pray:


That’s a nice rose @Annaelisa . Is it climbing rose?

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That’s good to hear @TusharSuradkar . Waiting for your reply soon.

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Nein, es ist nur eine schön blühende Beet Rose @Rahul001

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Hi @Rahul001

Here are the roses from our terrace garden :rose:


First of all thanks for tagging me @Rahul001 . Sorry for replying late. Cancer patients and their families undergo both physical and psychological trauma. I always pray to God no one in this world should get cancer. The rose picture of yours is very very beautiful.


Picture taken by me in Malmo, Sweden.


Origami flowers made by me.

Thanks again for your great post. Keep guiding.


That’s one nice buddle of roses @TusharSuradkar .

Thank you for sharing the images you took. Can you tell me the variety of the rose ( can be double petal). I always loved origami. I think you can take a small class/session for local guides about origami.