Celebrating Connect’s 5th Birthday

Yuppy Yuppy, Happy birthday Connect!!! :tada: :birthday: :sunglasses:

I was just joining Local Guides program when Connect was born and I joined Connect couple of months ago also if I didn’t start being part of since the beginning… I still have the welcome mail dated December 2016 :open_mouth: .

I’ve seen already many improvements so far and I’m sure it will improve even more and we will look back at now in the next 5 years. For now thank you @TraciC and the complete team for all the efforts, work, passion and dedication to the program and to Connect, to make this platform comfortable, pleasure and fun for all Local Guides :heart: .

Happy Happy 5th Birthday Connect! And excited to get my new badge :grin: .


Saya baru bergabung di local guides,level saya baru mencapai level 6,semoga semakin hari bisa lebih semangat lagi untuk berkontribusi kepada google Maps, terimakasih kasih atas lecana yang akan di luncurkan untuk kami para local guides @LuigiZ @TraciC


Yo pensaba que este programa tenía más tiempo.

Yo no recuerdo la fecha en la cual yo empecé a contribuir en Google Mapas pero recuerdo que se salían invitaciones para calificar, y agregar comentarios y fotos de lugares en el mapa después de activar notificaciones en la aplicación de mapas en el celular. Luego un día le comenté a una amigo al cual me imaginé que le gustaría y el ya era guía local y fue la persona que me habló del programa y me dijo había hecho un evento conde invitó a los mejores guías locales de todo el mundo con todo pago. Aunque ya estaba contribuyendo, en realidad no conocía el programa pero me puse a averiguar y busqué información en internet a ver como funciona el programa de guías locales y me volví adicto a hacer publicaciones y a ver como subían mis puntos y conseguía más insignias . Después de algún tiempo fue que descubrí que existe este foro de “Local Guides Connect” y luego me enteré de como aplicar para participar en el “Connect Live”.

Preparé un video para concursar en el “Connect Live 2019” y lo envié y no fui seleccionado, luego en el 2020 vino la pandemia y hubo que cancelar la actividad, ahora en el 2021 tampoco se puede hacer. Entiendo que se debería hacer de manera virtual para no perder la costumbre de hacer el evento.


How cool to be part of this world!
Unfortunately I only joined the community this year, but I already love being able to put my ideas and experiences in this space and being able to learn from the experience of so many other places.
It’s gratifying when we collaborate with smart ideas and activities that identify us in different subjects.


Hi dear @TraciC
Happy 5th birthday connect!
Congratulations to you and Connect team.

Best Regards


@TraciC Golden memories. I loved the old connect. There we had lots of fun. Over the last five years, it has evolved into a great platform for contributors. Thank you for your contribution @TraciC .


Hi, @TraciC I tell you that like most Local Guides, I started participating in Maps almost without realizing it, uploading photos to Maps, writing comments, and answering questions. One day an email came to me, the curiosity bug bit me and I googled what the Local Guides program was. He immediately referred me to Connect and I tried to find other people, from my country India, or from other different countries, who were doing the same thing as me.

It’s been 4 years and the truth is, although I don’t go in very often due to lack of time, I think it’s a wonderful platform that allows me to contact wonderful people from all over the world without having a language barrier to communicate.
Thanks, @TraciC, and your team for the love, inspiration, and positive knowledge you are giving to millions of local guides through this community. I Am a proud local guide, cheers, and happy anniversary family.


Great idea to new badge to all localguides those who in connect profile. @TraciC thanks for sharing this post.


Muchas felicidades!

En los próximos años espero poder navegar por caminos y senderos con mapas de google maps terrain más detallados, ese sería mi sueño! Muy contento de estar en esta comunidad tan especial!


Happy birthday celebration thank you so much all


@TraciC Happy 5th anniversary. I can’t wait to have that badge in my profile. Let’s celebrate!


Happy 5th Anniversary! Thanks @TraciC

I think I found Connect about 2 years ago. I don’t remember how I found it. Someone might have mentioned it to me.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNECT :bouquet: :birthday: :champagne: :clinking_glasses: :thought_balloon: :tada:

walking this memory lane is so amazing… I joined connect on 25th April 2017.

During this few years on CONNECT we build many special bonds of Friendship that makes us to forget our backgrounds and love one another like family…

Many beautiful relationships were forged on CONNECT. I have brothers and sisters from all part of the globe. For friends I cannot mention how many.

The Spirit of helping one another and providing all the support need towards the same goal of making Google MAPS accessible and usable can not be measured…

Many has come, many has gone but the prints they make are still visible…

Connect shape my life in many positive ways…

Happy CONNECT 5th Anniversary to #GoogleTeam and all the Local Guides across the globe…

Kind regards…


That is awesome, thanks @TraciC . I can’t wait to see the new badge, and super excited for all the events laid down for July.

I think I registered on Connect some four years back and absolutely loved to see it evolve. I loved to see how our community shaped up, from the consistent input from our beautiful and active community members. If I have to sum up the Connect experience, I can comfortably say that this is the ONLY community in the world that is free from political, religious, ethnic, and social debates. This is the only place where people love to share their knowledge and experiences and it simply keeps growing our family.

I am very thankful for all the members of Connect (including Google Moderators, Connect Moderators, as well as the entire Local Guides Family).

I did a post back in 2019 regarding Connect Live, I think I can also use it to express how we feel about Connect, as it resonates perfectly.


Ya quiero ver la insignia del 5to aniversario de connect. :grin: :tada: :partying_face:

Estaba en maps cuando vi a los local guides, leí y me intereso, después de todo el registro este me mandaba a connect, me registre y vi los apartados, publicaciones, etc. Admito que al principio no estaba tan frecuente como ahora.

Me gusta ver las publicaciones que hacen en los diferentes apartados, he visto paisajes, comidas, lugares emblemáticos, etc. Me encanta ser parte de esta familia❤

Féliz 5to aniversario Connect :tada: :partying_face::partying_face: :tada:

Saludos desde Chiapas México :mexico:


Happy birthday to local guides connect :partying_face:

Proud to be an local guide @TraciC Thanks to local guides team…


Congrats for connect .

@TraciC I loved the design and the color of Number ( 5 ) . :+1:

Oh , still waiting a Socks :socks: if there is extra ! lol :laughing: . I never got any perk .


Ohh, esa insignia es una belleza!!! Feliz de formar parte de esta comunidad y de poder festejar su 5to aniversario.

Mis mejores recuerdos, sin dudas son los días que pasé en San Jose junto a Guías Locales de todo el mundo durante #LocalGuidesConnect 2019 :grinning:

Haber sido la primera de en ingresar al Salón de conferencias, y que @TraciC me salude por mi nombre, no tiene precio. Atesoraré ese recuerdo por siempre :raised_hands:


yaaaaay… happy happy birthday dearest CONNECT and thank you @TraciC for this wonderful initiative and of course for celebrating this wonderful milestones with all of us! New badge is coming yeah… wuhuuuu… and I hope I can contribute more and meaningfully to Connect as well.

I first discover Connect through @Radjasitanggang and my first contribution was dated April 12, 2019. I always love to read the travel and photography sections, but all sections are fun and informative at the same time! So excited to read and see more exciting contributions here! Cheers from Jakarta …


Happy " Connect’s 5th birthday " to all my community members.we had travelled a long journey to reach upto here with lots of improvement in community . Hope ,more improvement in coming days in our community .