Hello, I have been posting reviews about a week and it seems that my contributions are not visible to the public. I checked my reviews to confirm they are valid syntax-wise and my photos appear not to be violating the rules. What is the problem here? I am also able to follow other contributors but no one is able to follow me.
Hello @canwickk17 welcome to Local Guides Connect!
Even when we are sure to obey all rules, the SPAM filter might refuse a photo or some phrases of the text. The first step to find out, is to remove all media attached to the review and observe, if it is published.
If so, you can add the photos one by one, always checking if is public before adding the next.
If not, remove parts of the text until it is public.
I noticed, watching your profile, I neither see any photos nor reviews. There could also be another reason for that: In your profile, you can set an option, whether the public can see you contributions or not.
To make your contributions public in Google Maps follow these steps :
- Click your profile circle in the top right-hand corner
- Then Settings
- Then Personal content
- Then scroll down - almost to the end - where you will find an option called Show contributions on your profile. Set it to ON.
You can find more information here: Hidden Reviews? Read this.
Hope, this helps.
Hello Wilfried,
Thank you for your assistance. I checked the setting you mentioned again, it is set to visible. On the other hand, I will try your recommendations one by one and see whether the issue will be resolved. If not, I will create a new post detailing my problem if it’s appropriate to do so. Have a good day!
Thank you for your feedback. No need to create a new topic, just add a response with your results here.
Hi @canwickk17
In fact no one of your 7 reviews and your 14 photos is visible in your profile.
- The first thing to do is to read carefully the Maps user-generated content policy and the linked documents. This will help you to understand if there is some violation in the text.
Where the photos all attached to the reviews? I am asking because if one of the components (text and media attached) of the review is considered a violation, both text and photos are not will not be posted.
- If so, the second test to do is to is to edit the reviews and removing the attached media. If (again) the review isn’t posted, there is a way to appeal.
- To appeal, use the form that you will find at the and of this article: An update on how we moderate Google Maps reviews - Google Maps tips & tricks - Local Guides Connect
Hello ErmesT, thank you for your time to provide an informative answer. I will consider your suggestions; however I have one question in mind. There are also ratings
of mine which does not include neither photos nor comments and they are still not visible on my profile. Why not? My profile is visible to public, I checked it countless times. Do you have any idea about that?
Yes, @canwickk17
Once an account is reported, everything related to reviews will be blocked. I know this from personal experience.
Please use the form I mentioned in my previous to appeal, for the team to check your contributions