Hello @canwickk17 welcome to Local Guides Connect!
Even when we are sure to obey all rules, the SPAM filter might refuse a photo or some phrases of the text. The first step to find out, is to remove all media attached to the review and observe, if it is published.
If so, you can add the photos one by one, always checking if is public before adding the next.
If not, remove parts of the text until it is public.
I noticed, watching your profile, I neither see any photos nor reviews. There could also be another reason for that: In your profile, you can set an option, whether the public can see you contributions or not.
To make your contributions public in Google Maps follow these steps :
- Click your profile circle in the top right-hand corner
- Then Settings
- Then Personal content
- Then scroll down - almost to the end - where you will find an option called Show contributions on your profile. Set it to ON.
You can find more information here: Hidden Reviews? Read this.
Hope, this helps.