Decrement of points in Google Maps

Hi @PaulPavlinovich , the answer to both your questions is “Yes”. Perhaps around the end of April they gave point credit for all the past skipped or duplicate questions and then took the points back in early May which caused the unexpected increase and subsequent decrease in points. Thats what it looks like to me. Thanks for your follow up. Regards, Koby

@LilyanaZ @DeniGu @IshantHP_ig


Hola, creo que GoogleMaps debería aclarar en cada caso la disminución de los puntos a través de un listado, o algo similar.

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There should be a Points indicator dialogue box that pops up if a question on Google maps has been answered once by the local guide, as currently, the same question could be asked twice or more and the local guide is not aware of having answered that question before.

What has happened two days ago has made me realised that I lost points not on a reduction of my reviews or photos, but I lost those points on answering questions I had previously answered yet I was not aware of having seen the questions before, as they were in amongst other questions being asked.

Can we have a Points indicator dialogue box pop up once a question has been answered by the local guide, so that they know they will not gain a point for answering the same question again?

After say, 2 months or when 500 questions have been asked, (a single local guide), an additional pop up dialogue box reminding local guides to update Google Maps, could help local guides be more aware of requiring the latest version of Google Maps for it to function properly.


@ErmesT I agree 100% with your contention that the point reduction is due to a correction of the “Questions” category. My question total and points jumped about 2500 at the end of April and the were reduced by a like quantity a day ago. No question in my mind that it was due to correcting the error in giving the extra points. Over time i probably have answered at least 2000 duplicate questions but never recieved credit until the end of April

@IshantHP_ig @DeniGu @PaulPavlinovich @LilyanaZ


Hi @LilyanaZ

Thanks for your help!

The decreasing happened the first days of May in mobile and desktop devices. I have not noticed a decrease in my contributions numbers. But it Stopped in 34,919.

The last days of April, a noticed a unconmmon behavior on Google Maps, I uploaded more than 20 photos of a restaurant (meals, facilities, menus, atmosphere, etc) and noticed that the respective points of that contributions didn’t add to my total and didn’t show the individual views of that photos. The same happened with the photos I uploaded in the next two or three days. Some of them gave me points immediately, and others don’t. I understood that as a possible filter or prevention against photo spam.

But the next days, I saw how my points started to increase as my photos started to show the views, and I interpret that as if my photos were accepted.

Thank you again for the support. It would be great if we can get a detailed explanation about how the bug affected our respective points.

Have a great day! :smiley:

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As you can read on the thread, mine was just an opinion, based on what I can see on my profile. Googlers are already on this thread, monitoring the situation and doing the needful.

We had other situations like this one in the past, always fixed. I am confident that everything will be fixed soon


Hi @IshantHP_ig .

Thanks for your message – there’s been no further decrement but the points that were lost haven’t been reinstalled – at least not yet anyway. Is it possible for something to be done about this?


Thanks @Kol-Colleen_2018

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Hi @Kol-Colleen_2018 (oops, I was confused about the new username)

A question should not be asked more than once, so it is clear for me that something went wrong in there. Google has been informed ant they are working on this subject already.

I am merging your post with the first one started by @IshantHP_ig


Yeah I thought, I should include my nickname somehow! :joy: Col is what a friend calls me but that is also short for Colin so I saw Kol in a song and that is how I made my nickname how it is now.


That’s odd because I was asked the same questions a few times. Must be due to an error in the system!


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@StephenAbraham I had reported my problem to local guides on Twitter and was referred here. My issue is that most of my reviews includes photos. For some reason, some reviews remain but photos are no longer attached to the reviews. This has happened to older reviews, maybe even as far as reviews from several months ago to several reviews from 3 weeks ago to as recent as within the last week.

Appreciate your help with this.

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Абсолютно согласен с мнением других экспертом. Кроме того, не думаю, что потери такого не значительного количества баллов для Вас эксперта 8 уровня имеет существенное значение.