Deulghat is a Village in Buldana Taluka in Buldhana District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Amravati Division . It is located 9 KM towards west from District head quarters Buldhana. 3 KM from Buldana. 443 KM from State capital Mumbai
Deulghat Pin code is 443105 and postal head office is Deulghat.
Tandulwadi ( 2 KM ) , Birsingpur ( 2 KM ) , Kolwad ( 4 KM ) , Ambhoda ( 5 KM ) , Hatedi Kh ( 5 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Deulghat. Deulghat is surrounded by Buldhana Taluka towards East , Motala Taluka towards North , Chikhli Taluka towards East , Jafrabad Taluka towards South .
Malkapur , Nandura , Sillod , Soyagaon are the near by Cities to Deulghat.
Hello fellow LG @MudassirRauf
WWelcome back after almost 3 years… right?
Good Post with very brief text.
Almost all photos are good.
Remember to rotate the photos before uploading - otherwise it will look awkward - hope you will take my suggestions in the right spirit.
Also remember there is a limit of total 1,000 photos an LG can post in LG Connect, though we can overcome this problem with other methods.
Best wishes for more achievements…
Hope to see more from you soon…
Kindly remember to tag me in your future posts.
TG from India
All photos are nice @MudassirRauf
And @TravellerG has covered everything else - photo limit, rotation, etc.
Can you share some interesting tourist places near Deulghat? and places to stay and eat?
Inviting you to introduce yourself to the local guide community here:
Thank you for suggestion and support.
Amazing pictures @MudassirRauf ji. I really want to see Buldhana city in many reasons. Another Chikhli is also in Navsari, Gujarat. 
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You are most welcome, dear fellow LG @MudassirRauf