Foods I ate in April 2020 /2020年4月の私の食事

If anyone found this video useful , who would be ?

This video is a photo movie of the foods I ate in April 2020.

I’ve been eating out so much that I’ve gained weight, so I reduced eating out in April and ate delicious foods.


この動画は私が2020年4月に食べた食べ物たちのフォトムービーです。 これまで外食が多くて太ってしまったので4月は外食を減らしていつもより美味しいものを食べました。


Hey @user_not_found ,

Thanks for sharing your video. I haven’t eaten ramen in a long time and now I would like to order some right this instant. Please make sure to write more details in your post to make it more engaging. And last but not least, have you tried some new dishes?

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Wow! this looks like something I would like to have before bed @user_not_found


I always find new shops and go out to eat. That is my pleasure.

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I eat well and sleep well :sleepy:


Good for you @user_not_found


Yes :fist:

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