God's-Eye View, & the Human Touch

Cover creation by LG @ShailendraOjha via CANVA & cover image snapshot of Silverstone car race track UK & logo credit @AdrianLunsong
Discription:- World in your Hand

Grid >/


Imagining the world painted on a canvas screen a vast, rotating canvas of continents and oceans, viewed from divine height. And that is the magic of the satellite, revealing the grand mysteries of the Earth, the hidden patterns etched by time and nature. Then, with a screen shot, you are immersed in the heart of it, then we are standing on the corner of a busy street, every brick and storefront clearly real. We can smell the coffee from the café, hear the sound of traffic in the distance. It is like holding the whole world in your hand, a seamless journey from the cosmic to the intimate, a digital magic trick that makes the impossible feel instantly, astonishingly real.
All snapshot G Map

https://maps.app.goo.gl/yiTo1cQQDtogL1hr7?g_st=atm .

Here is my Google Maps list

Just a little effort from me and a little R&D The “magic” of satellite map view and real (or street) view lies in their ability to bridge the gap between abstract maps and the tangible reality of our world.

प्रणाम PRANAM
Thanks for Stopping.


Hi dear @ShailendraOjha ji, This is such a fantastic collection of nature canvases. I can see your passion for nature in every piece. Thank you for sharing.

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Ciao @ShailendraOjha ,

really interesting. !
When I wrote that editing roads is also a way to “travel” , even if virtually, the world , I was exactly thinking about this. How many incredible places I saw.

Thank for sharing!

Take care

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Simply amazing @ShailendraOjha. Nice captures and the narratives.

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Thanks dear @PrasadVR ji

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We are old roaders, so it is our right to travel virtually.
Thank you very much dear @MarcoDavoli :oncoming_fist:

Yes dear Ghumakad :rightwards_hand: