How to become a connect moderator

Hi Team ,

I have been in the ecosystem for 2.5 years . Also inching closer to Local Guide 9… can anyone let me know what stops me from becoming a connect moderator ?

Thank You!
Best Regards


Hi @bonnythomas
Welcome back to Connect after a quite long time.
Feel free to explore the Community and to discover what our Connect Moderators are doing. This for sure will inspire you to know “how to become one of them”.
For a more specific answer please read Meet our Connect Moderators
At the end of the article you will find:

Bit confused …. I read this topic …my question is I am interested in what a connect moderator does … but if there is no nomination process how will I be chosen

Connect Moderators are active in Connect, interact with other members like I’m doing now with you, write interesting topics, address the Local Guides using their knowledge of the Local Guides program. This is the key.
Make yourself visible by being active and helpful on Connect and the team will notice you for sure.
I also want to clarify that this is a volunteer activity, Connect Moderators are not working for Google, nor they are paid, @bonnythomas


@ErmesT …thank you for the note… let me do that… the problem is I have been more active on Google maps directly rather than local guide connect in the last 2.5 years… additionally this is more of my passion rather than my profession so my interest is more voluntary and not monetary

This is fine, @bonnythomas , but you asked about how to become a Connect Moderator, and you can’t moderate it without being active in here.
I just dropped a note in one of your post, with some tip about how to make it relevant and interesting.
Also I would like to add that one of the requirements is to have an outstanding profile in Google Maps, for example avoiding redundancy on photos (very similar photos), that is forbidden by the policies.
I suggest you to pick some profile of the Connect Moderators, read their posts and the way they interact with the community, to better understand how they help the community

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@ErmesT interesting … one question now comes to my mind… being in google map for review … is there any growth other than getting level upgrades… as i see this forumn looking similar to google map review forumn as i see … wondering which would suit whom … My passion is to explore food and places and help people directed to it .

Well, @bonnythomas
From my point of view there is a mutual benefit in contributing in Google Maps: we keep Maps updated, and we use an updated Maps, thanks to local guides like you and me.
For example, I like to add roads (at the moment more than 74k roads in Maps exist because I added them). The benefit is that other people will use them in their navigation, they will be able to drive and to reach places that previously were not in Maps. It’s a mutual growth that helps us first

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