How to edit uneditable places?

Here are two examples of places that need to be edited but aren’t able to be edited for some reason. The first is a greek restaurant. I can type the name of the restaurant into the search bar and it comes up, but notice that it has no “pin” on the map. It’s location shows up as that highlighted red area but notice the “directions” option is missing. There are reviews and photos attached to this place and when I click “suggest an edit” there is no option to change the map marker like there normally is. I tried changing the Category to a Greek Restaurant but when I click Send it says “Server Error. Please try again later.” But later never comes. How does one fix this and make this a normal, editable location again?

The second image is of a park (Red box highlight, my own). Notice there are two identical places here, one with a pin and one without. The one with the pin you can suggest edits and add photos, reviews, etc. All the normal stuff. The one without the pin is not editable and you can’t add photos or reviews, etc. You can’t even check in to the one without the pin. I don’t want to mark the one with the pin as a duplicate because if that gets approved then you’re left with a location that you can’t suggest edits or add photos/reviews to. I’m looking for a solution not just for this specific location but also to the question, “How do you edit uneditable locations?” These are not the only two examples I’ve come across in my time as a guide. There have been other places that I want to check in to, add photos/reviews, or suggest an edit but for some reason or another those options aren’t available. In some cases the locations have photos from other local guides. Is this something that you have to be a local guide at a higher level to do? Please help!

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Short answer: You can not.

But you can send feedback in the App to suggest improvements.

Or probably better seek help in the Maps support forum.

Hit the Community tap at the top and make a post. You need to attach or link to official documentation supporting the change you are proposing.


If you are confused about areas and items on the maps not accepting edits and photos, please enjoy this overview Shapes and Places - Guidance on where to add edits and photos including both flat and photospheres by PaulPavlinovich.


I’m curious which Googler added this majestic “botanical garden” that can’t be edited.

OK, but why?

I’ve started a new thread about this:

Why can’t some places be edited on Maps?