Some Local Guides complained the redesign made it more difficult to find relevant content of high quality.
This guide is part of the Transition Tutorials.
On old Connect, trending and featured content was prominently displayed on the front page for selected categories. Now interesting content quickly gets buried under the heading Latest topics. This requires us to take action to ensure we see new content that we find interesting. Learn how in this tutorial.
At the top of the new front page (Home), there is now a carousel displaying 6 hand-picked discussions. These are currently all from Googlers, mostly focusing on the redesign. When these are no longer needed, we can expect the carousel to also display interesting topics posted by community members.
As the categories are still new, they too take up a lot of space on the front page. This leaves very little space for the Latest topics where quality contributions get pushed down and off the front page almost immediately.
I expect the LG Team will take steps to display hot topics more prominently, but in the mean time, here are 4 strategies (A. - D.) you can apply to discover more discussions you find interesting.
A. Customize your Bell feed
At the top right, you find this tiny Bell icon.
This is where all your notifications will show up. By default, you will get notified when someone mentions you or replies to you. But it can do so much more to help you see new content that interests you.
I realized that the Bell feed is where I find most of the new topics I want to read and maybe reply to.
Displayed over the Bell icon is a red number or symbol indicating how many or what kind of notifications are waiting for you. This is currently not working properly. It has been reported and will hopefully be fixed soon.
Bell Tip A1
When you reply to something you find interesting or spend a lot of time reading, Connect will automatically set the notification intensity level to Watching for this discussion. Then next time someone replies in that particular discussion, you will get notified. You can always adjust the notification intensity level to fit your interests. And you should really try doing so.
Next to and under all discussions there is another Bell icon where you can select Watching, Tracking, Normal, or Mute. Watching is the highest notification intensity level. So choose that for things you like, and Mute for discussions of little or no interest to you.
But there is more!
Bell Tip A2
You can also set the default notification intensity level for all categories and all tags used on new Connect. This is a very powerful feature to suppress content you find irrelevant and see more of what you like.
It can be daunting to grasp all the notification options. Hence, please refer to this Transition Tutorial as needed: Understand the new notifications system
Bell Tip A3
When setting up default notification intensity levels, you can also specify to only get notifications when a new discussion is started. This is very helpful to avoid getting notified about subsequent replies.
Bell Tip A4
Set up some saved searches.
Use these steps 1) Hit your Profile picture; 2) Hit Preferences; then 3) Hit Saved Searches. This is useful if the new categories and tags are insufficient to describe your interests precisely. Saved searches are explained further here.
If you specify your interests as suggested above and continuously adjust the notification intensity levels, your Bell feed will become a treasure trove of interesting discussions.
Displayed over the Bell icon is a red number or symbol indicating how many or what kind of notifications are waiting for you. This is currently not working properly. It has been reported and will hopefully be fixed soon.
B. Hit the tags to find more interesting discussions
When you find something interesting, you can always tap/click on the mentioned tags and categories to find related discussions.
C. Use normal search on Connect
At the top of all Connect pages, you will find the search bar with this search icon:
When you start typing, you can choose if your search should cover all topics and posts or be limited to the current topic.
Use search to find content relevant to your interests. Then specify the Notification Intetensity Level to Watching to further customize your Bell feed.
D. Use advanced filter search
You can refine your search even more by hitting this icon:
At the button of the detailed search page, you can also open Advanced filters:
This is useful if you are trying to find a specific discussion.
There are even more filters available. I used them to create this link:
Which will take you to a list of discussions with no replies. This is useful if you want to find new discussions in need of some feedback.
Hopefully, we will soon see more initiatives to get high-quality contributions featured more prominently on Connect.
This is the end of this tutorial.
Credit: The oil painting shown at the top is Beach at Trouville by Eugène Boudin. Painted in 1864/5. Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington.