How to update satellite view?

There is a new park here with a basketball court and playground but the satellite view still shows sandy area. How can I update?

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It take some time for update.
When their build the playground and basketball court ? @waza28

Hi @waza28
We as Local Guides cannot update the Latest Satellite View on Google Maps. We can suggest the changes to the Maps team and there is no guarantee that the changes would be implemented. You can follow the below steps to suggest the changes

You can request a satellite image update via Google Earth:

  1. Locate your area that you want to get updated on Google earth
  2. Click on the hamburger menu at top-left corner
  3. Select Feedback
    4.Describe the situation and put “I would like to recommend an imagery refresh” in the feedback textbox.
  4. Tap on Capture Screenshot button
  5. Select the screen shot from the dialogue box
  6. Tick the checkbox below if you want

Note: There is no guarantee that the changes suggested would be approved/implemented.

Hope this helps.


@waza28 I think @Ssiddharth2000 has explained nicely.

Follow the steps in his comments.


Thank you @Ssiddharth2000

I’ll follow these steps then see what happens.

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