How to write CAPTION on New Connect

Hello Fellow LGs,

Welcome once again to the new and improved Connect! where we can contribute with lot of ease and high productivity in terms of time, effort and smart work. Thanks, team, for making this happen.

With all welcome changes, there comes some challenges and learnings. And, New Connect is not an exception!

I am sharing my personal experience with all of you and how have I learned to eradicate these challenges. I had faced two challenges. The second one I will be discussing in my next post and hence then please stay tuned.

The first one was related to the topic as, How to write CAPTION on New Connect?

Here is the solution:

Open the writing text box as you do to create a new post. Upload the file using ‘upload’ tab in the text box. Select the texts (which is the file name of your uploaded file) written between ‘![’ and ‘|’ (just before the file size). Photo1 depicts the selected texts where ‘update too is impactful 3’ is the file name of uploaded file highlighted in yellow color.

Delete the selected texts of Step 1 and replace it with the Caption you wish to write. Photo2 depicts the replaced texts as Caption as ‘This is a helping text for the uploaded picture for writing caption’ highlighted in green color.

Yes, now are done with writing the caption for your uploaded file. It’s so simple. Isn’t it!

Please do share your experience in the comment box whether it worked for you or not.

Please also reach out in case you need further clarification.

Keep building a well-informed community stronger :muscle: together.

Stay Happy, Stay Healthy!



Thank you dear @Kumaarsantosh
I’m going to practice this right away.

Here you go I did it link here. Thank you for sharing


Thank you so much @MrFreez for acting so fast. Yes, it did work for you as well depicted in your post.


Perfect, @Kumaarsantoshit

Thanks for taking part in making it easier to use the new Connect,

You may want to see this tip that @LightRich shared under the Transision Tutorial Adding photos, video, and links. Some might find it easier.



Good point, @Kumaarsantosh , you made it a bit simple to understand.



Nice points to share with us .


Simple and easy-to-follow steps, dear @Kumaarsantosh
I enjoyed reading through the post :-1:

Another way that I’d also suggest using is showing the preview and editing the caption using the Pencil icon:


Thanks @MortenCopenhagen. Yes - indeed that’s the other way to do it once you click the ‘Show Preview’ button. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you @AjitThite. The idea was to make it simple and easy to understand while writing the post and do the editing in the same window.

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Thanks @MohanG. Hope you will start using it.

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Thank you so much @TusharSuradkar for acknowledging and sharing the alternate way to do it once you click the ‘Show Preview’ button. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for taking time and making this tutorial for our community @Kumaarsantosh


Thank you @NareshDarji for acknowledging.


Kudos to all your efforts @Kumaarsantosh :clap:t2:

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Thank you @Shaunak for your appreciation.

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Thanks for sharing this post.
Best wishes to you.


Thanks a lot for showering your blessings @RosyKohli.

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@Kumaarsantosh I will work on it. Thank you for the details.

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Happy that you are going to work on this @Trishatishu.

While replying to a specific Local Guide (LG) or to mention a specific LG, please use ‘@’ followed by the respective LG user id. You will get this by typing ‘@’, then a list with suggestions appears, e.g. mine is @Kumaarsantosh. You can see at the begining of this reply, how I have used ‘@’ to mention you.


@Kumaarsantosh thanks for the suggesion

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