I earn Master Fact Finder - Google Maps Badges

Dear Local Guides,


I am very happy to tell you that I have just received the Master Fact Finder badge on Google Maps. This was not possible without you, you all have contributed the most to whatever I am learning now.

And I am very happy to inform you that exactly a month ago the views were 91 lakh and now it is 94 lakh+.

Thank you very much for supporting me.


Congratulations on your badge.
Keep up the great work :+1::tada:

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Thank you, Mr. @Sairus . :handshake:

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Congratulations​:tada::partying_face: @giteshsharma

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congratulations :clap::clap::clap::clap: keep it up
regards Tejal

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Thank you, @RaviSharma111 Sir. :handshake:

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Thank you for your kind words, @Tejal ma’am. :pray:

Wonderful achievement dear @giteshsharma :bouquet:
Congratulations :handshake:

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Thank you, sur for your kind words. :pray: @TusharSuradkar

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Congratulations, @giteshsharma!

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Wowwwww congratulations :clap::tada: keep it up

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Thank you @SCJohnnyG

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Thank you ma’am.

Congratulations @giteshsharma :clap::clap:

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Thank you @SarathUpendran ji.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch :tada: @giteshsharma

Thank you @Annaelisa for your kind words. :sparkling_heart:

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Congratulations, @giteshsharma .


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Thank you, Sir. :pray: