Kalasan Temple

Kalasan temple the most beautiful place


Wonderful pictures @Masbi actually on Connect we add caption explaining the images in our post in a paragraph or more so it will be nice if you could edit your post and add an explanation. Please do add the Google Maps link to this place. If you requires any help please feel free to tag me. Have a nice day. :smiley:


The temple looks really beautiful.
Can you share little bit more about the temple? @Masbi
Aslo please share map link to the temple.v


Sehr schöne Aufnahmen von diesem Tempel @Masbi
An welchem Ort befindet sich der Tempel und wurde er bereits auf Google Maps als Beitrag zugefĂĽgt?

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Sebenarnya banyak candi kecil yang jarang terpantau dijogja, orang lebih banyak mengarahkan ke borobudur atau prambanan… Sebaiknya kita perbanyak nih local guide yg bisa nunjukin lokasi2 kayak gini


Thanks your attention my post , i love culture especially temple :heart_eyes:

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Betul sekali mas…di jogja banyak sekali candi selain prambanan dan borobudur, candinya bagus dan sepi jadi enak buat duduk santai

Thanks your attention for my post, i love culture abour temple

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Thanks for attention my bro, i love culture about temple

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That’s great :+1:

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