Love is in the Air Series

This valentines day I take the prevelege in accepting the challenge of Love is in the air by taking storefront photography. I take this motivation from @Rahul001 to take this Challenge initiated by @TusharSuradkar I :heart: series for places on Google Maps.

Yesterday I went to Bluewaters, Dubai and the below are the pictures I took for storefront.

When I searched my Google Photos for :heart: pictures I got the following pictures highlighted. Small description of the pictures.

In my hometown Chennai the below picture is inside Phoenix Mall for people to stand a take pictures

Below is the picture in Anna Centenary Library in Chennai set up on kindness day

The two pictures below is in Folkets Park, in Malmo, Sweden.

The picture below is of the Lejontrappen, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Below is the picture of a kids play area in Kew Garden, London UK

All the above pictures are taken by me and uploaded in Google Maps. Given below is my origami work for Love is in the Air

By writing this post I was taken back my memory lane. Hope you too will like the pictures. If you are having such pictures please post in the comments section below. Also take up the challenge LOVE IS IN THE AIR.


So many beautiful artwork installed in malls and in the streets and parks:+1:
Nicely captured signs in Dubai @Gurukrishnapriya.
Congratulations :bouquet:
I also like the paper craft and also doing paper craft myself.


Fantastische Bilder mit vielen schönen Herzen :heart: ich habe heute nur das folgende gesehen

Herzen sind bei uns nur wenige zu sehen, dafür werden überall Blumen zum Valentinstag angeboten.


It is indeed the season of love @Gurukrishnapriya



Nice post, & beautiful :heart: art structures…
I had pic’s like this but looking drak so I didn’t post on connect.
Thanks for sharing…


Love truly is in the air , beautiful captures @Gurukrishnapriya
Wishing everyone a Valentine’s season filled with joy, adventure, and meaningful connections!


Woww nice @Gurukrishnapriya

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Thanks a lot @TusharSuradkar bhai. Feeling great that you liked my post. Happy to note that you are doing origami work.


Beautiful pictures @Annaelisa
Here too we exchange flowers. There is one more way of giving flowers tied in a string. Particularly south Indian states.


Thanks a lot for visiting my post @IgbinedionDan

Happy to note that you liked my post.

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Thanks a lot @Shrut19 you liked my post. Even for me many photos are dark. Only a few were good. It’s ok.


Well said @SaylliWalve1 , celebrations give us a great feel and be happy. Thanks for sharing your thought.

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Thanks a lot @Rushikesh_joshi for your compliments.

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Cheers to all my favorite Local Guides for being a part of my journey.

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Beautiful artworks!
Thank you for sharing. @Gurukrishnapriya

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These are all beautiful @Gurukrishnapriya . Both the art works and the designs

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Wow beautiful photos and post.
Loved the pink .heart 🩷 & your craft red :heart: heart.

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Thanks a lot @RosyKohli maam. I am happy you liked the post.

Thank you @Gurukrishnapriya for adding love to the series. Love sign from Dubai and Sweden looks beautiful. So your origami work of love looks beautiful. You are one creative local guide teacher in our community!

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Thank you very much @Rahul001 . This post is a continuation to your post. I owe this post to you.

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